Lost & Found: GPS Works!!

Back in February 2015 I wrote about the GPS Pet Trackers that we use with Teo & Tigra.

We recently lost Teo’s. Well I say we, but as it was on him at the time we are laying the blame squarely at his paws. It was Sunday 9th August during a walk on the Nature Reserve, but we didn’t notice until we were at home and washing them and realised that it wasn’t on Teo.

I sent a SMS to the Tracker, but received no response, and the following day we had a look around as we walked them on the Nature Reserve, but no joy.

Said Tracker was assumed lost …….

Monday 17th August I got a SMS through from Teo with the map co-ordinates for his Tracker. It was in the Greenhouses which basically mean that a Moroccan had found it and taken it ‘home’. They had either turned it on, or it had just picked up a signal, but either way the Map clearly showed where the Tracker was.


Tuesday 18th, having pinged the Tracker and received confirmation that it was still at the same location Sands and I drove round to collect it. Fair to say the guys that had found it had absolutely no idea what it was, and were more than happy to return it. In fact they really didn’t want the money I offered them as a thank you, but eventually agreed to take it.

2015-08-18 12.23.56

Have to say it was pretty cool that it sent the message through 8 days after we had lost it, and it was ‘fun’ following the Navigation to recover it (even though we knew where it was on the map), but best of all was the attitude and honesty of the Moroccans. Where they were living was less than desirable, but they were polite, eager to please, and as I said didn’t want to accept the money on offer. Very impressive of them, and more than a tad humbling.

Teo? he is ‘delighted’ to have his Tracker back!!! Suspect that even as I type he is thinking up ways to lose it again!!!!

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