Lucia The Rock Cat

Last night I had FANTASTIC news about Lucia, the last cat from the rocks in Almerimar to travel to Germany. She is happy at last!!!

I am SO relieved because she has been on my conscience for almost a year. Why? Because I have worried every time I thought about her, that we had done the wrong thing in rescuing her, and that we should have put her back. I made the decision to stick with her and send her to Germany, so I felt very responsible for her plight.

Lucia had been fed outside for over a year before we rescued her, and both Pam and George could stroke her easily. I myself had picked her up when we initially took her to the vet for sterilisation. Slowly as we caught and re-homed all the other rock cats she became a little more nervous, which is why we left her until last. We believed however that once inside she would blossom and become more affectionate.

It was therefore a BIG surprise that at foster Mum Erika’s noone could touch her, not even her friends of nearly 2 years! She hid most of the time and would not even socialise with the other cats.

I discussed this with the girls in Germany and we debated long over the best course of action. In the end, as a place was free at one of their most experienced foster homes, we decided to go ahead with the original plan, and on 13/03, after 2 months at Erika’s, Lucia travelled to Germany.

Monica her foster Mum there had helped ‘nervous’ cats before, and was amazed at the lack of response from Lucia. Finally she did make friends with some of the other cats there and seemed less unhappy, but still Monica could not really touch her after over 8 months! I meanwhile continued to feel guilty that I had made the wrong decision and to worry about her.

Then a few weeks ago amazing news came that somebody was interested in her, and 10 days ago she went to her new home. We have all been waiting in suspense since, thinking there was a high chance she would be back!

Last night I had these 2 emails from Martina:

“Lucia has now a home and a miracle happened , she loves the people and the little dog there !!!”

we do not know what was wrong for her…but in her foster home she did not feel so well as she does now…at the first eveninhg she vistied the whole apartment, was eating and using the day she shared her bed with the little dog there…and day 3 it was possible to touch her a little bit….we all are happy about her !!!!”

And today this one:
“I´m sure after a long search we found HER home :o) since we know her she never was so relaxed and happy as she is now…i think she will become a happy cat now :o)
xxx martina”

It IS a miracle. Funny girl! It seems that finally she is comfortable, maybe being the only cat, and I too really believe that finally life is good for her.

Now I am happy that we have helped her. She has had a very bad year but life alone on the rocks for ever would not have been great for her. Now I hope she will have the happy life this beautiful girl deserves, AND when she is more settled, there is a garden to explore. I am sure after a year inside she will be happy to be able to go outside again … OR maybe not! Lucia I think is a very particular lady, and I think she is going to rather like a life of comfort and warmth. Good for her, and good for me and the great girls in Germany, who never gave up on her. A little weight has just been lifted from us!

Below is my original photo of her. Soon I hope to have new, good photos of a happy, re-homed Lucia with her new little dog friend. This story has ended well, but none of us can afford the stress and time of too many Lucias. Her’s is a very special story.

Beautiful Lucia

1 thought on “Lucia The Rock Cat

  1. Pam Roberts

    At long last good news about special Lucia – or Shirley Whirly – as she was known here on the rocks.Jean,George and I actually fed her for a number of years and could stroke and pet her and I too wondered if we had made the right decision about picking her up – but the alternative life was really not a good option. Maybe she wanted to be an ‘only’ cat right from the start and being with other strange cats didnt help her to settle down.Its great news that eventually she will have a garden to wander around. Lucia, Chivers and Tommy will always have a special place in my heart.

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