Beautiful Lucie
Lucie is the beautiful daughter of out rather shy siamese, Keba, who you will meet later today. She has just travelled to Germany with her chosen buddy Luc, a lovely cuddly boy, who came to us from the dog protectora.

Beautiful Lucie

Cuddle Boy Luc

Lovely Luc

Lovely luc
It is only recently that I have been able to take pictures of Lucie at all, as she was such a shy girl at the beginning, but we are hoping that with her best buddy Luc by her side, she will now learn to trust people a little more. Lucie and her brothers were never perfect candidates for re-homing, but I was forced into the decision to take them off the streets because they were so sick with fleas. Once inside, as they were so young, we were hopeful they could become less wild. Lucie is the second of the litter of 4 to travel to Germany.

Beautiful Lucy
As you can see from this last photos, Lucie is VERY fond of cuddle cat Luc, and they make a great pair. If a person is willing to take on a nervous girl like Lucie, they will get a lovely cuddle cat with her, and the news I posted yesterday from Germany, suggests that little Luc is ALREADY charming everybody who meets him!!!

Lucie & Luc Love
They look very cute and healthy!
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