27/06/11: Now I have the first photos of Mama cat now called Maya (lovely name) in her lovely new home, and with her new cat mate. She has a beautiful big garden to explore but for now seems to be enjoying all the love and comfort of home!
“Greetings and pictures of Mama cat, her new name is Maya. Mama cat is now a “indoor cat”;) zwinkern….sie loves sleeping in bed every day and is very cuddly. When the parents go into the garden she follow them step by step like a dog! staying very close. “
Mama Cat & Her New Home

Mama Cat & Her New Home

Mama Cat & Her New Home

Mama Cat & Her New Home

Mama Cat & Her New Home

Mama Cat & Her New Home

New Friend

Mama Cat & Her New Home

Mama Cat & Her New Home
12/05/11: Mama cat is the first of a small colony of cats to find a home in Germany. They are my ‘camping site’ cats, rescued by Uwe, a kind German man who had fed some of them for years.
I was originally told about these lovely tame cats by an animal rescue I work with in Lorca. They had no space and I am happy that I could step in and help them. Uwe effectively fostered them on the camping site, and it was then a rush to get them all inside and safe before he returned to Germany for the summer. In total 10 of the cats have been rescued. 1 is running free on Matt’s land and the other 9 are all in foster homes here in Spain.
I met Mama cat properly on Monday at the PAWs cattery and found her a delightful, friendly little cat. She is actually the mother of big Bernie, who you will meet next, and was destined to be re-united with him at a foster home in Germany.
I was a little worried about this as Uwe had told me mother and son were not the best of friends, but the delay in our transport has intervened to resolve this dilema. Yesterday I had news that Mama cat now has an adoptant, so should be traveling directly to to her new family. She will have a lovely home with a lovely female cat and a big, big garden. Sounds perfect for this lucky little lady!

Mama Cat

Mama Cat

Mama Cat

Mama Cat

Mama Cat

Mama Cat

Mama Cat