Marty Cat’s New Home

22/01/11:Marty has now been in Germany for just over 10 months, and FINALLY I have new photos of him, in his forever home!

He will now be just over a year old, and our cute little boy has grown into a very handsome cat. He also has a very pretty little girlfriend to share his home with. Pretty good for a little street cat, rescued with a broken leg. He looks just fine!!!

Marty & Friend

Handsome Marty

Handsome Marty

Handsome Marty

Marty & Friend

02/03/10:Marty’s adoptants in Germany have been waiting over a month for him already, so I took these new photos to keep them company until he travels! He is definitely one of the most lovable kittens we have fostered. He is playful, curious and very loving. A real little darling!

Sweet Little Marty

Sweet Little Marty

Sweet Little Marty

Sweet Little Marty

Sweet Little Marty

Sweet Little Marty

Sweet Little Marty

Sweet Little Marty

Wednesday 13th January

Marty has been to the vet today for further vaccinations and now only has one more injection to go. We were also a little worried about a ‘film’ in his eyes. Miguel checked this out and told me that he has slight damage to his third eyelids which cause them to sometimes move over part of his eyes. This is not a real problem to him, and Kerstin believe that his adoptants will not be worried at all. He has a new friend waiting for him, a lovely 1 year old female cat.

Thursday 7th January

Marty is doing REALLY well, and as you can see from these pictures is a little darling. His plaster came off on Tuesday and, when he is excited and not thinking about it, he runs on his mended little leg almost normally. We are very hopeful that all will be fine soon and we will be able to introduce him to Trixie kitten for play. In the meantime he is being thoroughly spoilt, with lovely biscuits and cooked fish every day, AND lots of cuddles.

Enjoy these new photos of our little sweetie. I particularly like the one with him talking to big friend Capone, Pam’s cuddle cat, who has been lovely to Marty.

Marty Chilling


Marty With Capone


Marty Playing


Marty Cuddles

Wednesday 23rd December

Poor little Marty DOES have a broken leg which our vet thinks he has had for some weeks. It had already started to heal, but has now been put in plaster to help it mend straighter. We will know in 15 days if we have caught it in time. Begona is confident he will be able to use his leg, but it may not be quite perfect.

After a couple of very frustrated hours, with a lot of hissing and spitting, he worked out how to walk with his cumbersome plaster, and has regained his temper, and is back to being a happy little purring cat. We wish him a speedy recovery, and i know that he will get plenty of love with Pam and John.

Marty is our little injured buddy. He was found hiding in somebody’s garden and they took him to the dog protectora that we work with. Karin phoned me this morning, worried as the poor little man was surrounded by barking puppies, and Pam drove up to collect him.

He is a lovely affectionate little thing of about 3 months, but will be back to see vet Miguel on Monday as he has an injured back leg, which we hope is just a strain, as Karin thinks it isn’t broken.


Sweet Little Marty

He seems happy enough but won’t put this leg down, and also has cuts on one of his front paws. What he needs now is rest, lots of good food, and plenty of cuddles. I’m then planning to introduce him to little fluffy Trixie, who is about the same age.

I have named him after the lead singer of the 90’s band ‘Wet Wet Wet’, inspired by our 6th day of pouring rain here!!! I am sure he is VERY happy to be inside out of this foul weather.

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