Mira was until recently an Adra cat, but now she and her 2 kittens have been adopted by Almerimar Strays. This came about by chance while I was having coffee with Julie, an English lady who lives there, and who happened to mention that 3 beautiful tame kittens had appeared hungry and frightened in her garden.
We mainly have to restrict our rescues to Almerimar, but Julie helped to make this one possible by providing some sponsorship, and I did have a space in a foster home that day.

Sweet, Gentle Mira
I am very pleased that I could help them as Mira is a very special girl. She is one of the most gentle, sweet cats I have come across, lovely to all people and cats, and even to Nicola’s little dog. I also don’t think she would have survived for long out on her own. She is only about 10 months old, had 2, 3-month kittens with her that she was feeding, and is thin, delicate boned and more vulnerable.
When we fist brought her in she seemed absolutely exhausted, and feeling safe, quickly found a place to sleep, knowing that the 2 kittens were now being looked after. When I visited her the next day she lay on my lap and snuggled her head right under my arm, which was so sweet and trusting.
Another indication of how lovely she is, is the fact that we now don’t believe that Micki, one of the kittens found with her is even hers. He appears to be a pure siamese, and once inside she has shown far more interest in Ricki, who we believe is her true son. We think Micki found her and this lovely lady took care of him when he needed her help.
As Mira has struggled a little after all the recent vaccinations and her sterilisation, and is still thin, I am hoping that she will avoid the stress of the transport to Germany, and will travel by plane to Munich with our flight partner Roya.
I love all of the cats we rescue, but Mira to me is SO lovely, that she is a little bit special!!!

Sweet, Gentle Mira

Sweet, Gentle Mira

Sweet, Gentle Mira
I am so happy to see that the three kittens will have a happy ending, unlike so many other animals, Thank you so much for helping them xx
Yes. They are all doing REALLY well, and the 2 kittens will travel to Germany on Dec 18th to new homes! They already have adoptants. Mummy cat will hopefully have the luxury of flying on Dec 21st. We are waiting on a foster home for her.
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