
19/01/13: Mimi is a very beautiful, 4 year old, previously owned cat. She was bought as a kitten by her Spanish parents and was much loved by them. Her Mum Maria contacted me about 3 weeks ago quite stressed because she is pregnant and her doctor had told her that Mimi MUST go. This is a common situation in Spain. The doctors believe there is a big risk to unborn babies from cat poo. In England and Germany certainly we believe this risk to be low and very easily managed. Noone would consider giving up their cats, but in Spain the doctors mostly do not consider the cats and give very strong advice. Maria and her husband were in tears when they handed Mimi over to Pauline. She had been very well looked after and fully pass-ported, so fortunately I was able to send her to Germany quickly on the last transport. Mimi is now being fostered by big Micki’s lovely Mum and is looking very relaxed in her photos from Germany. We are certain to find a new home for this wonderful cat quickly, so she will be fine. I am just sorry for Maria that she believed she had to do this.

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