Molly – A Cute Little Girl

Molly has actually already been rescued, by a lovely English couple, but now she needs re-homing quite urgently. It is not because her family don’t love her. They do, and have looked after her extremely well. It is because their 3 dogs have a habit of chasing Molly which is making life very stressful for her and her owners. I am happy to be able to write, that helping molly is extremely easy, because she is fully passported, and already has all her vaccinations. I decided it was better for her not to have to go into a rescue home, so she will travel on the 27.04 transport direct from her home here to a lovely foster home in Spain. There she will meet a new cat friend from Montse’s cat rescue in Almeria, and from there, we will find her a new family without dogs!

Cute Little Molly

Cute Little Molly
Cute Little Molly
Cute Little Molly
Cute Little Molly

Cute Little Molly

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