Mr Big

23/07/12: Mr Big has actually already moved to his new home. Good for him! I hope all will be fine for this lovely boy.
22/07/12: Mr Big also arrived fine in Germany just over a week ago. For now he is separated in his foster home because, after an initial nose-tap to one of Bettina’s Main Coons, Mr Big did not seem to want to be with them, and was hiding behind the furniture. This is similar to behaviour to what I saw when he was here. I have a feeling he may be happier as an only cat, but we have an interested lady visiting him next week so we will see. In the meantime he is fine but also now being treated for parasites.

12/07/12: Mr Big is another beautiful cat from SOS Pechina who has been spending his last week here in Almerimar before heading off to a lovely foster home in Germany on Saturday. I was told at Pechina that he was a nervous cat when he first arrived there, and that they have only recently been able to handle him. He was found by Corinne, who runs the rescue centre. in the street near her home. She thinks he was abandoned because he was in quite good condition when she found him. He had been in the rescue centre for several months and had lost weight. When I first met him he seemed quite withdrawn, possibly because the whole experience had been rather a shock to him, and I therefore put him high on my list for re-homing.

Mr Big is actually a completely tame, lovely cat who is happy to be stroked and have tummy rubs once he trusts a person. He doesn’t I think like being surrounded by a lot of cats and likes his own space. At first I put him in a room with Perry and Garfield but he was hiding from them, so I moved him in with the smaller cats, where he seems much more comfortable, and has actually become king cat for the week, now pushing the others away from the food at times, naughtily boy! Once he has put some weight back on I am sure he will look quite splendid again, as you can start to see in the most recent photos. I am sure when he gets to Germany he will find a home quickly. In the meantime Bettina will spoil him, and, as she has 2 Main Coon cats of her own, she will know how to look after his coat.

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