28/02/14: AND now we have another anniversary. Today it is 5 years since beautiful Oscar came to live with us, at first as a foster cat, but almost immediately as Mori’s best buddy, AND I can see that I missed posting Oscar’s last birthday. Oscar is now 5 and has continued to be a good friend to Mori and Fleur and Dusk. He is also now the chosen snuggle companion to little Kasper when he wants to cuddle up for warmth, or to share a cushion in the sun. Oscar is a big love bug on his terms and we are very very lucky to have him in all our lives. Today he has had more than his fair share of anniversary prawns, which is just as it should be.
24/11/12: Today our beautiful big boy Oscar is 4 years old. He has been spending the day enjoying the mess we are making decorating, and lying in the sun on the roof. We have had tuna, and treats and life is just great for our lovely boy. Since his anniversary, a new little friend Kasper has of course come into Oscar’s life, and he has accepted him and welcomed him into his world. Oscar plays with all my boy cats, is still best buddies with Mori, our king tomcat, AND he is favoured after Mori by little princess Fleur, because Oscar is one of her 2 original friends who looked after her when she was a kitten. Enjoy 3 new photos, and Happy Birthday Oscar!
Click on the photos to see them full size and have the option to download them.
Today it is 3 years since Chris and I adopted Oscar, or ALMOST! It is 3 years since Oscar arrived, but the original story was that he was a foster kitten. I knew that he was going to stay as long as Mori loved him, and he did from the first. Oscar was only just 3 months old, and Mori became his surrogate father and then best friend. Oscar IS adorable. He is our big Pud! He weighs in at a loveable 7.2 kg! but is actually not a fat cat. Oscar is a big boned more English style cat, with a gentle loveable personality. He has however grown up a bit recently, since Fleur and Dusky have arrived. Oscar has become more assertive with the other cats and is turning into a man cat, and a very handsome one at that!
Enjoy some recent photos. I’m off to prepare celebratory prawns for Oscar and his friends!

A VERY Handsome Boy
28/02/14: AND now we have another anniversary. Today it is 5 years since beautiful Oscar came to live with us, at… http://t.co/V1632xXPB0