New Pet Passport Example

Following on from the revisions to the pet passport rules (effective from 29th December 2014) and available to read here, we have updated our Pet Passport Guidlines page with an example of how the new passports should be completed.

The most significant change is on the Rabies Vaccination page with the addition of a new date, the date the vaccination was administered, the date the vaccination is ‘live’ (which is the date from which it can travel) and the expiry date.

Note: to get through pet passport the three rabies date MUST be 100% correct, the vet must STAMP and SIGN where indicated on passport (a number of Spanish vets are being told to write their details in and not stamp them but they MUST stamp then and sign them if you want them transported by ALStrays through Pet Passport, and the areas that the vet has stamped, signed and added stickers MUST be laminated, as Pet Passport have confirmed that any non laminated passport will be rejected

Mistakes: they happen, but if they do the DEFRA guidelines remain the same, the vet should put a line through the original entry and redo it all below, including a new sticker as relevant. IF NO sticker is available I suggest the vet comments on the passport that the second entry is a correction and ensures that this comment is laminated so it is clear that it was made by the vet.

Your vet is (hopefully) a great vet, but they are not a transporter and it is unlikely that they have taken a cat or dog through pet passport on a new passport so whatever they say SHOULD be OK I would IGNORE and ensure that they fill in the passport 100% as per the DEFRA guidlines (as below). It is YOUR responsibility to ensure the passport is completed correctly so if you leave the vets and subsequently find it is incorrect don’t blame the vet, blame yourself for not checking! We can not and will not accept anything other than a 100% correctly completed passport.

And of course we need to take the original pet passport with us.

You can see the example below

New Passports







Old Passports

Page One_575

Page Two_575

Same on Old and New Passports

Page Three_575




You can download the official UK guidelines and example here

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