Beautiful Jassa
Today I’m REALLY pleased to be able to say that ALL of our cats from Almerimar that we had taken to the cat rescue home over the past few months, are now already there or are at this moment on their way to new lives in Germany.
I was up at 5am this morning, along with Pam and Mary to deliver Smokey Boy and the 4 Almerimar kittens (Coreena, Lulu, Adalita & Siamo) to the transport, and they were joined by Smokey Girl, Jassa, Carmen & Ferdi (the wild ones), Georgina and Freddy, all of whom were still at the Casa (cat rescue home).
We had a few nervous moments whilst Gisela and Mary struggled to catch Carmen and Ferdi and then again when Ferdi escaped whilst Jos’s (from the dog rescue) vet was trying to tranquilise him. Gisela for one got a rather nasty bite. These 2 definitely need a lot more human contact before they are ready to be adopted, but they are going to a foster home in Switzerland where hopefully they have plenty of experience. I am just SO glad that they are on their way, as i had become very worried about them.
It was sad to see them all go, and not great seeing the van load of dogs they will be traveling with, but it is all over in 24 hours, and although the scene up at the dog rescue was one of organised chaos, I know that they do this every month and that everyone arrives safely. We will be working with Jos next year to continue to transport our Almerimar cats to Germany. I met him briefly this morning and liked him instantly. He radiated calm, and came over as capable and caring. I also liked his vet, so would be very comfortable taking our street cats to him for sterilisations.
I have already written about Smokey Boy, Freddy and the Almerimar Kittens, but for those of you who don’t know them, here are some pictures of the others.
Jassa pictured above is a gorgeous, loving BIG cat. He was abandoned by the french waiter from La Calleta up in Villas Blancas and then rescued by George. I don’t personally understand how anyone can abandon an animal, but Jassa’s case is even more of a mystery as EVERYONE who meets him loves Jassa. He is SO loving and likes to put his paws on you and come up for a kiss and cuddle! Georgina, also rescued by George is another lovely cat, but she has become a little nervous at the Casa with so many others, and her trip to Germany is long overdue. I hope she will be happier again soon.

Jassa – Loved By Us All

Gentle Georgina

Gentle Georgina
Smokey Girl was almost my 2nd cat as I first saw her as a kitten only a few weeks after we had adopted Mori. I thought she was beautiful and would have taken her in if I hadn’t seen her playing with a ginger kitten in one of the gardens nearby. It was only this summer, on talking to the Spanish couple whose garden it was, that I discovered that she was never actually their cat but just one of a number of strays they were kindly feeding. She was nervous at first but then thrived at the Casa, becoming a firm favourite with Gisela, and even sleeping on her bed every night.

Pretty Smokey Girl
That brings me to the wild ones … Carmen and Ferdi. These are the brother and sister of Coreena, one of our Almerimar kittens, and the grandkids of my cat Saidi. Coreena was separated from her 2 sibling quite early on at the Casa as she along with Lulu baby became ill with fungus. Whilst Coreena had quite a lot of human contact, and was with a tame little buddy, the other 2, due to Gisela’s illness, have been a little neglected and remain very nervous of humans. This hopefully will change soon, and I am extremely relieved that they are on their way to a smaller foster home where they will get more close attention.

Ferdi The Escapee

The Wild Ones

Cute Carmen – Just Like Her Mother
I’d like to thanks again Tracy, Kev, Dawn, Nick, Jenny, Mary, George and Jean for all their help over the past few months. We did it! Our Almerimar cats are ALL on their way. This is fantastic and a big relief. Of course I will continue to try and help the remaining cats at the Casa before it closes, but I felt a huge responsibility towards the ones we had actually taken there. Now at least my first aim is achieved and we can all enjoy Xmas knowing these cats are being well looked after and have good futures ahead of them.
Thanks again to everybody and well done! We can all be proud.
Yes, this morning was a bit traumatic! It is very sad to see them go but if they are as fortunate as Oli, they will have forgot all about in in 24/48 hours. It will probably take us longer to recover!
Brilliant news, again you guys have done a GREAT job …..
I am totally shattered after our experience this morning, not the getting up and out at such an ungodly hour BUT saying goodbye to Smokey Boy who had found a big place in my heart – I almost went back for him but commonsense prevailed because he will be well looked after in Germany and the trauma of the journey will be shortlived. I was very very impressed with the ‘organised chaos’ at the Dog Sanctuary and it was marvellous to see so many dogs off to a home – all looking very nervous but Josh had an army of helpers up there and they all knew exactly what had to be done.The intrepid 3 – Sandra, Mary and myself were quite tearfull at the parting of the ways but I too am determined to somehow raise enough money to get the females spayed and the males neutered here in Almerimar and get as many as we can en route to a better life in Germany.We desperately need more foster homes for these lovely cats – an extra one to my three was no trouble at all.Well done to Sandra and Mary for all their hardwork.
Pingback: Depressing Drinking In Almerimar | AlmerimarLife
2009 is your oyster!!!! Am sure there will be a lot of lucky cats in Almerimar that you guys manage to help!!!
Well it really is great to hear that the Almerimar cats all got away safely this morning and are on their way to their new lives. They are lucky cats with a second chance, and we will look forward to finding out in due course about their new lives. Well done to the ‘early gang’ this morning! Just goes to show what can be done, and when you hear these success stories it makes it all SO worthwhile. (And all the cats in the photos are looking great – healthy and happy!
The picture of Georgina is cute I sent it to her foster home. In about 14 hours I will meet Georgina … I think of them every second and I’m affraid I can not sleep this night…..like it is each time the cats are on the way to Germany … I send you and Gila a mail, when all the cats are at home…
Nick and I feel bereft, our darling foster kittens left us today, our home will be a duller place without Coreena and Lulu who gave us so much joy and fun. I keep telling myself that we have given them a safe secure home for the past twelve weeks and that a welcome from a loving family is waiting for them at the end of the long and frightening journey. If you love cats fostering is the perfect way to give practicial help to the many abandoned cats around this area.
Here are a few notes which may help other families in deciding where Lulu and Correna settle.
Lulu loves physical contact, she is happiest when she is getting lots of hugs and strokes. She is a brave little cat, her favourite food is (fresh) chicken and rightly or wrongly she much prefers milk to water.
Coreena is such a character, inquisitive and playfull, and when there is any accident her large ‘saucer’ eyes look at you as if to say “who – me”. She loves to explore and ideally will be happy if she has a garden to explore, however despite all our TLC she remains very nervous and I believe a busy noisy family will make her anxious. Correna’s
favourite food is well I guess everything but she does demolish fresh (cooked) fish and chicken, and again and you can slap my wrists she also prefers milk to water. I give them skimmed milk with a dah of water.
If there is any possibility of Lulu and Coreen staying together then I am confident they will settle and give their new family much fun.
hi sandra, all arived well in gräfenhausen, adalita, siamo and georgina are still on the road, will arrive about in an half hour at kologne. all cats are well and lovely !!! nobody was shy !
i will write to you this evening, when all are “at home”..freddy and smokey girl have already gone to their new homes, smokey boy is playing and jumping around…ferdi and carmen are in kalrsruhe today and go to switzerland tomoroow…everything is ok !!
That is great news, good to get an update so quickly thanks!!!
Smokey Girl and Freddy were very friendly with the adoptants at once … they were glad to get them…
Jassa and Smokey boy now relax at my living room.
Smokey boy was playing first with a litte ball for 2 hours and Jassa álways wanted to sit on my lap. my shoulder… both very nice too.
Kerstin will come and take them to Nuernberg on Tuesday morning…
Thank you and your friends 10000 times for helping to make them ready..
Very happy for them all, but particularly Smokey Boy and Smokey Girl, who I remember from the street below the apartment!!!
Pingback: Happy In Germany | AlmerimarLife Strays
Pingback: Saidi’s Grandkids Doing Well | AlmerimarLife Strays
Pingback: Beautiful Jassa | AlmerimarLife Strays
Whoa, do you publish this stuff by yourself or have you got a article
group to get it done for you? I only ask cause it is really excellent and
I’m tired of writing my own content.