Over 100,000 pets abandoned, left to starve or succumb to the elements

Most of us would never think of giving away our pets. But in France, it is an all too regular occurrence. According to the BBC, up to 200,000 dogs, cats, and other family pets are abandoned in the country every year, and 60 percent of those heartbreaking desertions happen in the summer — when folks would much rather go on holiday without worrying about the hindrance of an animal, or the cost of paying for its care. And travel isn’t the only reason pet-owners are shirking their responsibilities — designer dog breeds are bought on impulse or given as a gift, only to be surrendered to a shelter when owners realize that dogs require so much more than a photo on Instagram or a cute video would have you believe. Someone might adopt a kitten, but then be surprised when inevitable medical costs arrive. Having not had the foresight to predict these costs, they leave it on the side of the road for a kind passerby to hopefully spot and rescue.

Obviously, those numbers and the nature of these abandonments show us that something needs to be done. And luckily, a few members of the French Parliament are already on it! Corinne Vignon and a few of her colleagues have introduced a bill that would tackle this animal welfare problem from two angles. First, it would raise the age at which a person can legally obtain a pet, ensuring a level of understanding about the costs and responsibility of animal ownership. And second, it would make tagging your pets completely mandatory, making it impossible to remain anonymous and skirt all consequences if you abandon a helpless animal. This piece of legislation is an obvious win for animal welfare! Sign the petition to urge members of France’s Parliament to make this bill a law without delay!

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