Following on from the recent post regarding new Pet Passport woes it appears that there is still a lot of uncertainly regards the pet passport when transporting under TRACES.
If you read the TRACES guidelines it is actually very clear: the animal must adhere to the Pet Scheme requirements AND the TRACES requirements.
So in brief, it makes no difference if the animal is being transported under the Pets Scheme or TRACES, the pet passport must be completed the same way. The only difference in practise is who checks the pet passport.
When an animal is traveling under the Pets Scheme we are required to take the animal and the passport into the Pet Passport office at Calais (Shuttle) where they will check the microchip in the animal and the animals pet passport. In addition they have been known to ask for the Declaration of Owner not accompanying Pet during its journey form, and at times have commented that they should actually be signed not just an electronic signature.
When an animal is traveling under the TRACES scheme we are only required to take the animals pet passport and TRACES certificate into the Pet Passport office where they will check the microchip number on the TRACES certificate and in the pet passport (the assumption is that the Vet has checked the rabies vaccination, worming and clinical examination as without those being correct the TRACES certificate should not have been issued), and they will then come out to the van to count the animals and make sure that we have the correct number i.e. one animal per passport regardless of scheme transported under.
There is absolutely nothing to stop them checking the pet passport of an animal being transported under TRACES though, and if it is incorrect DESPITE THE FACT THE GOVERNMENT VET HAS SIGNED IT OFF, they can (and will) refuse entry for that animal.
I would add that with the new passports they are being more vigilant, and with the increase in animals being transported under TRACES it is still possible to get an inspector at pet passport that doesn’t fully appreciate the different way of processing the animal so it is not unknown to be asked to take animals traveling under TRACES in for inspection.
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