Lovely, Cuddly Nino
Smokey Girl one of our beautiful Almerimar cats, may have a new boyfriend.
This lovely cuddly boy is also a Spanish cat from a great rescue home in Almeria, that, like us, works with Katzenherzen in Germany.
Smokey Girl has been in her new home nearly a year now, and it is always great to hear news of how our cats our getting on. It seems that her parents have decided that the time is right for her to have a friend. At the moment she is “a little fearful” of Nino, but for both of them, I think it would be nice if she accepted him. We will see. He looks a very charming boy to me!
Lovely, Cuddly Nino
Wary Smokey Girl
Beautiful Smokey Girl
I remember her meowing out in the street below, she was always so happy to fed and stroked.
Good to see her looking so well, and hopefully she will like Nino who looks very handsome indeed.