This is my article published in the Sol Times this week. Murphy’s adoption didn’t work out!
All our Spanish street cats are special; the tiny motherless kittens; the stressed, abandoned pets; the less people-friendly semi-ferals; the character street cats. Being special however, they often need a little more time to settle in their new homes.
Even with all the care and attention Katzenherzen give to finding homes for our cats, not all work out. Some failures surprise me, but I agree with the German girls, that these are down to the adoptants. There are few ‘problem’ animals. Most fight, run, hide and destroy through fear or stress.
Murphy is a darling, but having been abandoned to hunger, loneliness and the company of feral street cats, this gentle boy is now insecure and very needy. I saw this and loved him, but his new owner COULDN’T understand this, or why Murphy was afraid of his female cat. It is this man’s loss!
I work with Katzenherzen because I trust them. At 9pm on Tuesday 2 of the girls collected Murphy for his sake, and he is now getting the love he needs, cuddled up in bed with Anke, and her softie cats, while the right home is found, that truly deserves this beautiful cat! We won’t get every adoption right, but the cats come first, and will always be looked after. This is the commitment and love that our street cats need, as well as a little time!