01/10/11: Yesterday evening I received more news of Suki from Kerstin: “Suki is fine. She likes to eat all the time and every time in the kitchen she is miouing. Since one week she can goes outside, but they take it slowly only if they are outside, she can go outside, too. Up to now she is in the garden and in the garden of the neighbours…
Today the whole day the door was open, but if they were in the living room, Suki was inside with them, too…
They hope that this goes on in this way…”
31/08/11: Suki’s little life definitely did look up quite quickly. She only spent about 10 days in the lonely bathroom before Irene kindly offered her a foster home here, while she waited to travel to Germany. Irene thoroughly spoilt our little miss, feeding her all kinds of tempting morsels and by the time I saw her a couple of weeks later, she was a much healthier weight and looking very at home. Suki definitely was never meant to be a street cat. News then quickly followed that Suki had an adoptant as an only cat with a garden, and friendly cats outside if she felt sociable. This sounded perfect and Suki traveled to Germany on August 27th.
Kerstin sent me this email just after she dropped off Suki with her new family: “Suki… she came out and was at home… lovely little girl… downstairs, upstairs and arround and she wanted to go outside, but not yet…. in some weeks she can go out… her new mum was very happy about her and Suki called her and she came with her all the time… all that Suki wanted she did… her new mum all the time says to her husband… “how sweet… look here… now she is eating”… “look there she is at the window”… “look, she does not run away”… and so on… ;o) so I think a perfect cat for a perfect home… ”
How sweet and lovely, and yesterday Kerstin sent me these photos she took of Suki’s arrival. Her home does look lovely and I am very happy she will have her garden, as Irene said that Suki kept crying to go outside. Now Suki has a great future and i would like to thank Irene again, AND Kurt, Cindy and Heather who fed her in the square when she was starving and cared enough to contact me about her. Another happy ending!

Suki In Her New Home
And here are photos I took of Suki at Irene’s, some of them with Grace who was staying with us at the time:

Suki @ Irene’s
03/08/11: I have decided that it was definitely fate that I would rescue Suki. She had been coming to the CK Bar and La Plaza in the square for maybe 2 weeks begging for food, but mostly between 12 and 2am, and whilst she was very friendly and loved to be stroked, she resisted strongly the one time Kurt tried to box her. When she first appeared she had a big pot belly like a starving child and was very hungry and distressed, so everyone believes she is lost or abandoned. Now she looks much healthier having dined on chicken and beef, and she is definitely friendly, jumping on laps for strokes and purring away happily. So why was it fate?
Chris and I called into the CK bar on Sunday evening at about 8am and for the first time ever Suki was spotted on the terrace at this early hour. Maybe some 6th cat sense told her it would be a good idea to turn up then. Who knows? What I do know is that this lovely little girl should not be fending for herself on the streets and I am sure she will have her loving home soon. Tonight she is off with me to the vet, and tomorrow I will be putting her up for adoption. For now she is a little lonely in a bathroom, but she is safe and well, and her young life is looking up!

Lovely Little Suki

Lovely Little Suki

Lovely Little Suki

Lovely Little Suki

Lovely Little Suki

Lovely Little Suki

Lovely Little Suki
She has to be one of the loveliest cats ever, such a beautiful girl and extremely affectionate. Whoever adopts her is in for a treat from day one!
My ‘Birthday Cat’ as we picked her up off the street when we were out having a drink on my birthday, it is great to see that this lovely lady has got her home so quickly, and is making her new owner so happy!