Summer 2016: Introducing Tito, Tobi & Marti (Video)

The Summer of 2016: video of when we introduced Tito, Tobi and Marti to the family!

I (Chris) spent pretty much all of the summer at home in the apartment as is my wont. We always take a break from the cat and dog pet transport which we run on a scheduled basis throughout the year transportinf cats and dogs (both pets and rescue) between Portugal, Spain, France, Germany, Holland, Belgium and the UK.

This year though I really did shut myself away as I wanted to enjoy the first few months with Tito, Tobi and Marti, so I seem to have spent the whole summer wandering around with a Nikon D80 (old friend that I havenpt really used for years) with a GoPro stuck on the top, as I tried to capture some action shots of the three amigos.

Few issues quickly apparent:

  1. Summer spent basically on the roof, nature reserve and then beach once the tourists had gone so not much variety
  2. GoPro is great fixed to van dashboard or the bike, but really not that good as a regular video camera as no zoom, and no view finder
  3. I have a strange thing that I do with my little finger!!!!!

All in all though it was a great break, and we have been really pleased with how well the new family members have settled.

Below is a quick video (pun intended) of the summer as seen through the eyes of a not very well handled GoPro (I should add that editing the movie with the GoPro Studio was a first as well as I have been a long time iMovie user but it was painless and I was actually pretty impressed!)

3 thoughts on “Summer 2016: Introducing Tito, Tobi & Marti (Video)

  1. Pingback: Teo’s Last Summer (Video) – Chris Marshall

  2. Pingback: Remembering Teo – Chris Marshall

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