More Cats In Love

I have just received these great new photos of Luc & Lucie in their new home. I knew that these 2 had become the best of friends, which is why …

Lucie & Luc Update

This is the latest from their foster Mum: “Lucy is incredibly jumpy, she winces every time and runs off. This will take a long time until she is fairly tame, …

Lucie & Luc

Beautiful Lucie Lucie is the beautiful daughter of out rather shy siamese, Keba, who you will meet later today. She has just travelled to Germany with her chosen buddy Luc, …

Luc & Lucie News

I have just received this update from Kerstin: “Luc and Lucie are fine… Luc is very cute and cuddles since the first minute.. He is a dreamcat and slept all …

News All Good

Little Softie Kika Finally news has started to come through about yesterday’s little travellers. The transport was 4.5 hours late at some destinations (poor Jos driving), and as the usual …

Latest Luke / Luc!

Sweet Little Luke Luke is our latest rescue from the dog sanctuary. He was abandoned up there with his 2 siblings, and was the unlucky one not to get adopted, …