Beautiful Lutz Kitten

It is always great to get new pictures of our cats happy in their forever homes, but even better when their new parents take great photos. These new ones of …

Lutz Likes Ruthie

Lutz With New Friend Ruthie It seems that if Lutz is given a vote, then Ruthie WILL get to stay in her foster home. Our beautiful Almerimar boy does seem …

Happy Ending For Lutz

Beautiful, Happy Boy I wrote a couple of weeks ago about Lutz’s new best friend. Now we have more beautiful new photos of Lutz in his new home, and also …

Update: 95 AND Counting!!!

An update is long overdue. I have been away in the UK for 2 weeks, with at times patchy internet access, and this week my priority has been getting the …

Lutz’s New Best Friend

One Contented Cat I posted a little while ago about the 2 lovely cats that were awaiting Lutz in his new home. Lutz travelled to Germany on October 8th and …

More Great New Homes

New Friends For Lutz Further to my last post, more pictures have come through today, showing me homes and friends that are waiting for our cats travelling to Germany this …

Pippa & Friends

I took this yesterday of little, playful Pippa having fun. Lutz was joining in, but Luke and Snoopy were feeling sleepy after a big meal! Enjoy!!!