Tommy May Have A Home

A Real Character Great news from Germany last night; Kerstin thinks that she has found a home for Tommy our FIV positive TomCat. He has settled very well into apartment …

Strays Update 11/05/09 & Plan

A mixed news days today. We STILL haven’t caught the 4th baby kitten abandoned on the rocks. This is worrying as the poor little thing is now alone out there …

Caesar Doing OK

Yesterday I had to move Caesar from his foster home. Things had not worked our because the very kind Spanish lady has a small apartment and Caesar decided NOT to …

Tommy the TomCat

Isn’t He gorgeous? Ok maybe I have a slightly weird view of feline beauty, but often the cats that appeal to me most are the character cats. This big fellow …

Foster Home Needed

I am now definitely worried about Monster Mog. When he first appeared he had swagger, excess fat, and a rather smart pink collar, and we were not overly fond of …

Monster Mog Abandoned?

Looking Like He Deserves His Name I first mentioned Monster Mog when he turned up in December, and I commented that nature is tough at times, with territorial animals causing …

Meet Big Daddy!

Our big Daddy How’s this for a character cat? AND he is HUGE! Big Daddy aptly named is the father of many a kitten in Almerimar, and is normally lurking …