21/01/13: Tany traveled to a foster home in Germany on the 12.01 transport, with her friend Albi, who she met at the rescue home. Latest news is that they have a home together!
27/11/12: Tany is another cat from SOS Pechina. I took her out some weeks ago because she was very sick and limp. They were going to treat her there but I had a place in a very experienced foster home, so we decided to help her directly. She had very bad diarrhoea from parasites and a virus and was very weak and mal-nourished. Now she is completely healthy, is a good weight and looks a different cat. She is very pretty tabby with lovely, slightly longer, soft fur. Now about a year old, she also must have been previously owned because she is completely tame, and is just waiting for the chance of a new family.
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