03/05/14: Today, over 2 years since they traveled to Germany, I have a new photo of the pretty girls from their forever home. This was actually their 2nd foster home in Germany, where they ended up staying because their foster Mum decided she could not part with them. I am SO happy to see them because they were a little special to us, and I am really happy to see how close and loving these sisters still are together. A very happy ending for 2 very pretty girls. ,
18/01/12: It is definitely time for an update on our pretty sisters. They actually travelled to Germany on the 02.12 transport so have been in their foster home for about 6 weeks now. Tia it seems really didn’t like Pam’s dog Rufus, because she was ‘marking’ all the time in her last weeks there. In Germany this was never a problem. Both are very happy. Kerstin wrote to me that they were “well and clean, playful and lovely”. I knew it was going to take a little longer as we want to keep them together but I am hoping for news soon that they have found their forever home. The latest is that Cony has somebody interested in them. Below are some new photos of the girls together in their foster home.

In Their Foster Home In Germany
In Their Foster Home In Germany
10/10/11: It is exactly a month since Maria joined Tia at Pam’s and the girls have been having a great time, playing and rushing around Pam’s big apartment and balcony. This is their first real freedom after months of cages and single rooms and they are loving it AND all the extra attention. Tia IS however slightly letting herself down by at times trying to beat up big soft Capone and Bugsy, Pam’s older cat. She is very alpha female, has no fear of the bigger cats or Rufus dog, and is very naughtily at times ‘marking’. I have recommended that these 2 go together if possible to a home without other cats. People they love, even Pam’s small grandchild Evelina, and Maria is quite a cuddle girl. Her more feisty sister Tia, has a lot of attitude and prefers to run and jump, and not be held! They are a delightful pair, both still small and sporty, and beautiful! Enjoy their new photos.

Gentle Maria
10/09/11: Today Tia and Maria have been finally re-united after nearly 4 weeks! Tia’s eyes are better, and the slight infection in one of Maria’s has also been successfully treated. Tia still has a little irritation left on her face but is almost back to her beautiful self. I’ve just left Maria at Pam’s, where she has been so busy exploring all her new space, that so far she hasn’t shown too much interest in her sister. They have however checked one another out with no hissing or cause for concern. I have a feeling they will be playing together soon!
My plan is still to find them a home together, but I will be watching their progress over the next few days. Their time together over the past few months has been in a cattery pen, and then a single room. I have assumed that these lovely sisters are close, but now that they are in a big apartment they will be able to chose whether they actually want to be together. It will be interesting to see what they do!

Almost Better
27/08/11: Great news yesterday. Tia had the stitches removed to re-open her bad eye, and her ulcer has closed! This is fantastic and means she will keep her eye. We are still treating both eyes for the remainder of the infection, but things are looking much better for her. She is very fed up now with her collar and asks us all the time to remove it, but she has been playing with a ball on Pam’s balcony, and seems very well in herself. She will be off to see vet Miguel on Thursday to have another check, and I hope, if all is well, we can then re-unite her with sister Maria.
21/08/11: Since I last posted about Tia and Maria, they (and the kittens to a lesser extent) have been suffering from an eye infection which we now think could be herpes. This turned very serious in Tia’s case at the end of last week when she quickly developed an ulcer in her left eye that needed an emergency operation. This eye has now been temporarily closed to allow it to heal. She will have it re-opened on Friday, and we are all hoping the news will be good and that she will not lose it. The fact that she is young and very healthy is in her favour but the ulcer was deep and serious. Better news is that her right eye is responding to the new treatment, and that Maria’s eyes are not so bad.
This is however a very worrying and expensive time for us! AND a horrible time for poor Tia who must endure drops, creams, anti-botic injections, and a horrible head collar, and being all alone. She is slowly being a better patient and remains a loving, affectionate little cat. A big thank you to Pam for taking her in and looking after her so well. I really hope Tia will be back to her pretty self soon, and re-united with Maria.

Not so Pretty Tia
05/08/11: I finally met these beautiful little females about 3 weeks ago when they came from near Albox to be my foster cats. I have actually been their sponsor all along, after I was phoned about them back in March by an English man who had found them abandoned in his garden. They are lovely, tame, sporty little characters, and are currently sharing my friend’s spare bedroom with Tia’s 5 little boys: Cody, Rory, Filou, Brady and Akim. By the time I managed to find a rescue place for the 2 girls with Tracy, Maria was heavily pregnant and the little boys were 1 week old!!!
Cody actually moved to Matt’s at about 6 weeks and his brothers followed a few weeks later, but the whole family was recently reunited when I decided to take them all for their, I hope, final few weeks before traveling to Germany. The whole family is gorgeous, full of energy and urgently in need of more space to play. I will be introducing the boys in the next few days. The other big cat in one photo is Iain’s Smudge who has been enjoying play mornings with the youngsters! The sisters as you can see have accepted him, although Tia can play the stroppy Mum from time to time.
Tia and Maria, after all this time will be found a home together. They are good friends and Maria has been a great aunt helping to look after the boys. The first photos here are recent with some earlier ones following that show the pretty girls with the boys as babies in their cattery pen. Here’s hoping this lovely little family all get their chance of a better life soon.

Sweet Little Maria

Sweet Little Maria With Smudge

Sweet Little Maria

Sweet Little Maria

Young Mum Tia

Sweet Little Maria

Sweet Little Maria With Kittens

Young Mum Tia

Young Mum Tia
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03/05/14: Today, over 2 years since they traveled to Germany, I have a new photo of the pretty girls from their… http://t.co/Lc8K3D3NWg