UPDATE 24/03/09
More great news from Germany:
“Greetings from jasper too….there was a visit after one week in his new home….he is the boss !!! all the people do, what jasper wants..and he is so happy ;o) in july he will be neutered and then he can go out…sheeps, cows, only green, no streets in front of his house….;o)”
“Tabitha is well too and very in love with guapa (cat) who lives at her new home :o)”
22/03/09: It is now just over a week since 5 of out cats arrived at their new homes in Germany, and almost a week since little Bono travelled to Switzerland. So far, bar the odd sniffle and runny eye, everything seems to be working out fine for all of our little buddies, and the emails from Germany make great reading and put any concerns for these lovely animals’ futures to rest. (If you haven’t already read the many posts on these cats and kittens, please click on the individual names in the Tag Cloud.)
The first real news was last Sunday 15th from Martina, who had picked up Bonny, Felix and Tabitha from the transport:
“hi sandra, 1,5 hours to late…but all arrived well near frankfurt ! first felix went to his new home…i nearly was crying, when i separated him from bonni….but felix jumped around and was very curious, the other small cat had some fear of him at first…but not for long…and went to him, to give him a kiss ;o)he forgot his sister at that moment i left the house with her…bonni was not so happy about that…but in her new home…she was running around, playing….wanted to kiss the other cat (Blacky), who was very upset…but very curious too…and became friendly…;o) i visited the cats for 2 hours and i´m sure, they will become friends !!
tabitha ( wow, she is so nice!) is in her new home too…all are well and happy i think !”
And later that evening:
“as blaky saw her..shock !!!!!!!!! she wa grumbling so loud…thats why i waited there for about two hours…bonni showed NO reaction of blackys grumbling….gave kisses to her foster mum…now her real mum…and was playing…blacky was always 50 cm behind her…a view minutes ago eva called me…and could not belive, what she saw…they were slepping in one bed, nose on nose…peace ! :o) i worried…for nothing !!!”
“tabitha is really nice..i was so surpriced !!! guapa who lives already in mannheim ( from an organisation in katalonien ) needed a friend….she was waiting all day long on the door to the garden….for male cat moppel, to visit her every day…she was very friendly to him from the first second…so i´m sure, she is happy to meet tabihta…”
long long day…but a happy one ! :o)
And regarding Charlie, I has this from Kerstin last Sunday:
“Anja’s cat “Coco” and Charlie kissed each other this afternoon but that seems to be not really 100% okay for him… Her “Tiffy” and Charlie playing together who is hissing at last who looses the play… and her “Jack” is very wary… and creeps for 2 m to sleeping Charlie. He sleeps again in the hammock of the Bananleaf… Looks very positive and she thinks that next time it will be a little bit loud and crashing and then all will be quiet and they will like each other… so she hopes…
She wrote that he is very small… even still smaller than her “Tiffy”… and he is very tired but he played with her fingers for some minutes, too… There were a lot of mice (her fingers) under the bed-blanket… that was a fantastic game for him… ;o)”
And on the 18/3 more updates:
Re: Charlie: “I think he is happy… He is the king in his new home… :o)))) And Anja is very happy about him…!!!”
Re: Jasper: “hi sandra,, jasper is very happy in his new home…at night he changes his bed often…from mom to daddy…to son…;o) all are totally surprised about SUCH a cute cat….and because he was so in love with little winni in his foster home…they think about taking winnie too…;o)))”We arrived at home! The Flight was good and Bono (Jonathan) is in good condition. First he was eating and drinking in the kitchen. Now he is playing with Sabine – and Desdemona fixed Jonathan all the time with her eyes. Now and then the neck hairs of Desdemona are a little bit vertical:-)!We think all is going well.”
And on the 20/3:
“Desdemona has started a power struggle today. We decided to try a short time together today. Jonathan`s eye is a little better. Not as red as yesterday but always tearing. I can understand that you are very sad about being without Bono. He is a very, very lovely little cat here…absolutely easy-care! He loves his food and eats alone with only a little help. After eating I can wash his mouth and he is perfect for sleeping :-).”
And Yesterday:
“GOOD NEWS!! Desdemona and Jonathan are lying in the sun behind the window.
Today they eat together ( same time ). Jonathans` eye is a little better.”
Also yesterday more news of little Felix, who had caught a cold again during the transport:
“hi sandra, i think…if kids were sick and then have to travel…the sickness sometimes comes back….? i tried to keep them warm….put my jacket around their box….but was very cold in germany when they came…the stress…so colds follow sometimes …but he is in love with püppy now..the cat who lives there in his home…they kiss each other and play together ;o)”
“felix is eating now a lot !!! his parents asked me, if they had no food in spain, felix is eating all day long ;o) so i think i has much more weight.
The last is great news for little Felix as he was eating so badly when we first rescued him due to his bad chest. Now it seems he is getting stronger and bigger in his new home.
We, particularly their foster parents here, will miss them all, but it’s great to hear that they are happy and all (apart) from Jasper have cat friends in their new homes. Here’s hoping his new family will take Winni as well. It would be great for Jasper and for her.
More news and photos soon!
Great emails!!! Fingers crossed for little Jasper getting a play mate 🙂
It was great to read the emails from Germany and get an idea of how our cats are settling in, and without exception they all seem to have landed on their feet! I’m sure it won’t be long before all of them feel completely at home in their new surroundings and with their new friends. Felix does seem to have alot of catching up to do, food-wise, but he was always eating here as well! He and Bonny, and Jasper especially, all have easy-going natures and will fit in with owners and buddies. As Chris says, let’s hope Jasper soon has a friend, as he really needs one!
This morning I received a lovely email from Sabine who took Bono (jonathan) to Zurich – apart from a troublesome eye he has landed in the lap of the gods.The photos are wonderful and they have even bought him a Rufus look-alike dog for him to cuddle up to.I presume Tom – Sabine’s partner – has made the wonderful box for Bono to eat off without any difficulty at all -he doesnt have to bend down and snuffle food up his nose and she confirmed that he is eating much better.Yesterday it was Roast Chicken pureed with a little water!!!! Desdemona seems to be playing and flirting with hi m so all is good.