Quick note to say that we (Sands and I) are taking August off as usual to recharge, spend time with our own pets, and in my case train for my sponsored bike ride.
Primarily for me this means NO driving in August. If I can’t get there on my bike, Harley or Shank’s Pony then I ain’t going, unless Sands drives.
My plan is to walk the dogs, train, sleep, spend time on the roof with the cats, read (downloaded a bunch of books to the Kindle), watch the Sopranos (never watched it and have downloaded all 6 series from Sky On Demand) and ….. nothing else!
Almerimar has far too many tourists (mainly Spanish) in August, which is great for the bars that understand and cater for that market, but for me everywhere is too busy so I find it very easy to avoid going anywhere – with the exception of a few late night drinks at the D-Bar once they have shut!
Sands has a few cats in foster that she needs to visit and take to the vets, and she will call in at Pechina to make sure all is OK a couple of times but that is all.
Obviously will keep an eye on emails and Facebook throughout the month but before you contact us please check the Schedule and Availability Page (we are fully booked in September to UK and Europe for dogs, and fully booked to the UK in October already). You will find pretty much everything you need to know about the transports on the Transport Process Page, and you should read about the PETS Scheme and TRACES before using the booking form or contact form.
Enjoy your summer. We fully intend to, and although it is a long time since I have done any serious training I am really looking forward to it, although I suspect I wont be fit for anything else for a long time!
Pingback: Sponsored Bike Ride: 13th October 2014 : Chris Marshall