VERY Happy Kasper Cat


Kasper In His New home

Does this cat look unhappy about being taken from his VERY comfortable and loving foster home with Pam & John and sent all the way to Germany? I think NOT!!! These photos were sent about 3 days after his arrival. He already seems VERY at home!!!

Pam is SOooo pleased for him, but I think would have liked to have been missed just a little bit!!! Seriously we are all agreed that it is pictures like these that make what we do so worthwhile. Kasper was a very sad abandoned pet and now he is happy again in a very loving home, and his future is secure.

SO to anyone out there who thinks we shouldn’t help the strays, then Kasper is saying ‘please think again’, because he was never a feral stray cat, and never belonged on the streets. He belongs in a nice home with human company, which is obvious from these photos.

If you want to read his story then please click on his name in the Tag Cloud for all my previous posts. You will read that it was not ‘love at first sight’ with this cat! He used to terrorise our strays! But he had won me over long before we were able to rescue him, because he was always so friendly to me. We now think his early bad behaviour was a mixture of stress and being very macho before his snip.

Once inside with Pam and John, he was a like a cat starved of affection … he just couldn’t get enough strokes and loving. Now I think there will be no danger of him not getting enough love in the future. As well as the lovely adults in the photos, he has 2 little children to love him and a slightly older female cat!!!

He definitely is a charmer!!! Enjoy the photos …

Kasper With His New Dad
Kasper With His New Dad

Kasper With A lovely Lady Friend
Kasper With A Lady Friend

Kasper With His New Mum
Kasper With His Lovely New Mum

Kasper With His New Mum
Kasper With His Lovely New Mum

Kasper With A Lady Friend
Kasper With A Lady Friend

3 thoughts on “VERY Happy Kasper Cat

  1. Jenny

    What a heart-warming tale! And a huge success story, another very happy cat who has landed on his feet. Well done to everyone involved in Kasper’s rescue.

  2. Chris


    The looks on the owners faces is equally as heart warming!

  3. Pam Roberts

    This is a very clever cat – knows which side his bread is buttered and again was a very affectionate cat towards John and I – but its obvious his affections have now moved on and he looks very settled in his new home – I hope so because he has had a very traumatic time here in Almerimar,so deserves lots of love and kindness.

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