2 Beautiful Siam Girls

31/10/11: Latest news from Kerstin in Germany: “Carmen and Maria are now called Merlin (Carmen) and Mia (Maria)… Now Carmen is tame and likes to be stroke on her bottom… and she is purring… she is nose on nose with female dog Svenja… Maria (Mia) is more careful and suspect, but in the night she is jumping through the apartment…
Fridolin the other dog is sooo happy that he has 2 new females in his home and wants to give them all his love. But Carmen and Maria say “No, thank you” at the moment… So Fridolin is sitting under the bed and is unhappy that they don’t want his love – he tries to find words for his love… Both cats are not fearful or scary anymore… All seems to be fine…
Soon they will move into a bigger apartment in the same house, then they get better cattrees and perhaps a small save balcony…”

27/10/11: These lovely little ladies do have their adoptant, who collected them from their foster home yesterday. All seems fine as long as their new Mum is not allergic to them. She is to most cats but not normally to siams. Kerstin has just sent this news: “Carmen and Maria arrived in their home. Carmen is very cuddly and wants to see all in their new home. Maria is not relaxed and more stressed and is hiding behind the bed. But the adoptant wrote that she only needs time and she will get the time she needs. Both are sweet girls and both are eating well… Important is that their Mum has no allergic reaction.”

22/10/11: All was not perfect at the vet’s on Thursday. Maria unfortunately tested positive for FiV, but she is not a risk to her daughter Carmen so they will travel together to Germany, and the latest news is they may already have an adoptant, who doesn’t mind about Maria’s FiV. It would be great to get these 2 settled quickly together as for now they are very afraid, and have spent 2 day’s hiding in Iain’s spare bathroom. I wish them well. They are small, gentle little cats, and I am very happy that they are safe and with us.

16/10/11: This is Maria (2 years) and her daughter Carmen (7 months), 2 lovely siam-mix females from Cobdar, a Spanish village in the hills. They belong to a Spanish farming family along with Carmen’s beautiful brother, but they have now agreed that Susan can re-home the girls. She has already rescued Henrietta, Golly Berry, Mungo, Bongo, Theo, Comet, Muffin, Midge and Clementine, and is trying to catch Lizzie, all of whom you will find on this blog. I will meet Maria and Carmen on Thursday when Susan brings them to my vet for their final vaccinations, and to stay in Almerimar for the last 2 nights before the transport on Saturday. They are at risk in their village so it is urgent to move them. It is also very important that Susan can meet her promises to their current Spanish family so that they will support us in helping more of the cats in the village.

Mother Maria

Mother Maria

Mother Maria

Mother Maria

With Daughter Carmen & Son

Daughter Carmen

Daughter Carmen

Daughter Carmen

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