2 Nervous Siam-mix Kittens & Pepper

22/04/12: Today Kerstin sent me new photos and news of Vanilla! “Vanilla is almost 1 year in her new home… she does not destroy things so much as in the beginning but every evening they have a ritual. At 9 pm she is sitting on the furniture and is crying that they have to play with her. She is crying sooo long until the play. Enclosed some photos of her. Her place is under the spot-lamp on the terrarium because there it is very warm… looks like she misses the warm weather from spain. She is her own character!

On one of the photos you can see the tower… normally the cats have to catch the food in the tunnel of the tower… Vanilla is much more intelligent and trys it from the top and steals her food there, much easier for her… so all in all they are happy that she is living with them and they have a lot of fun. She is still very scared with new things but all is fine and they love their little street cat!”

Vanilla At Home

Vanilla At Home
Vanilla At Home

Vanilla At Home

21/09/11: Today I received new photos of Cinnamon in his forever home. He is no longer a nervous kitten: “He likes to cuddle… and likes to sleep in the arms of his family… he is a mega cuddly cat now”… It is always great to hear than one of our semi-feral kittens has turned out just fine and is happy. Meanwhile Pepper has been in his new home for about 10 days now. He was adopted by Gizmo’s Mum, and the initial feedback was good: “Today he is in his new home with Gizmo … I think they will be a good pair when they know each other… at the moment Pepper has his own room and likes to cuddle…”

Cinnamon & Friend

Beautiful Boy

01/07/11: New photos of Vanilla arrived from Kerstin in Germany today. She is looking VERY at home, and also very tame and cuddly. It is fantastic how she has socialised since getting to her home in Germany. She is no longer a nervous kitten but a very happy one. She also has some VERY interesting friends, as well as two beautiful cat ones!!!

Vanilla At Home

Vanilla At Home

Vanilla At Home

Vanilla & Friends

31/05/11: I now have photos of Vanilla in her new home. She is already comfortable and ‘living among’ the family.

She didn’t stay in her room for long and now explores the whole apartment including the balcony. She is happy to be stroked and has even let her family pick her up, AND was even ok when Grandma came to visit. All is fine in her world!

AND I also have further news of Cinnamon. He has been for a little health check and his Mum’s vet not only fell in love with him too, but declared his passport to be one of the best completed he had ever seen, so a big tick for Matt and Eduardo!!!

AND the latest on Pepper is that for now he is enjoying life at Matt’s with the other cats and kittens, both inside AND outside on the terrace.

Enjoy Vanilla’s photos. She does seem to have a very handsome new boyfriend:

Vanilla In Her New Home

Vanilla In Her New Home

Vanilla In Her New Home

Vanilla In Her New Home

28/05/11: Now I have great news of Vanilla! She seems to have found the prefect home.

Vanilla is fine. Very fast she thought this is her home and came out of her room to conquer the apartment. But the male cat thought that was too fast and told her that she has to come more slowly. Since Wednesday she is in her room again but if they call her she comes downstairs and will play.
She is quite tame and likes to be stroked. The adoptants think that all will be better in the next days again. They hopelessly love her.”

25/05/11: Time to meet Cinnamon (boy) and Vanilla (girl), 2 very pretty, but at the beginning quite feral kittens, who were also on the transport to Germany on Friday, and their brother Pepper.

These 2, now about 4 months, were found as babies up near Albox, along with their brother Pepper, and because of a lack of foster and cattery places, spent their time with us in a large cage, which was not great but at least meant it was easier to catch them and give them some attention. It was possible to pick them up with care, but they did not want to be touched.

The delay in our latest transport helped Cinnamon and Vanilla, as we were able to just get them ready to go, and as they both had adoptants waiting, they became a priority.

Already I have photos of Cinnamon in his new home and all seems fine. His family cannot touch him yet, but he seems happy, and last night sat very near to his Mum. It is also clear that he has made friends with their young cat, so I am hopeful he will follow her example and become more sociable with people quickly. This I believe is what semi feral cats need … a tame friend to give them confidence. Of course the right adoptant is also very important. These cats need time and patience and a very relaxed home.

I do always worry a little how our more nervous cats will settle, but Cinnamon does seem fine, and I hope for good news of his little sister soon.

Brother Pepper meanwhile is enjoying life in Matt’s house with some other more tame kittens, and in the short term may become one of his terrace kittens!

Below are new photos of Cinnamon from Germany:

Cinnamon & New Friend

Cinnamon & New Friend

AND a recent photo of the 3 kittens together:

Cute Siblings

And my first photos taken about 2 months ago:





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