$500 for spaying and neutering is too much for most pets’ families

Wow that is expensive!!

Spay and Neuter Surgeries Aren’t Affordable. States Should Help Cover the Cost.

Every year, millions of healthy cats and dogs are euthanized in the United States. Animal shelters and rescues are overcrowded and there simply aren’t enough adoption opportunities. While there are plenty of amazing nonprofits and programs dedicated to tackling this problem, it’s affecting families with pets, too. The cost of spay and neuter surgeries for cats and dogs varies, but it can run between $50–$500 — a cost that cuts many families and their pets off from this vital care.

There are a few ways to make spay and neuter programs more affordable. Some states, like Vermont, have incentive programs funded through a small pet registration fee. Other states, like New Mexico, have passed laws that levy fees on large pet food manufacturers, and reallocate that funding to spay and neuter programs. The states that have implemented these laws have all seen life-saving success — with euthanasia rates dropping drastically. It’s clear from the success and accessibility of these programs that implementing an affordable spay and neuter program works. Sign the petition to urge all U.S. states to pass affordable spay and neuter programs to save millions of cats’ and dogs’ lives!

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