23/01/13: Olli has a beautiful new sleeping cushion. Anke bought one for her cats and then needed a second one because they all wanted to sleep on it. I actually have 2 similar ones for my cats but they are black. I did not know they came in this glorious red colour. Kasper says Olli looks great on hers and, as he is the same colour, he would like a red one too! My black cats blend too well into the black ones. I can feel a cushion spree coming on!!!
Click on the photos to see them full size and have the option to download them.
28/03/12: The weather seems to be improving all over Europe, and spring has reached Germany. Last week Anke sent me the first photos of 2012 of her 5 cats enjoying the sunshine on the balcony. Big Hanni wasn’t among them. He seemed to be enjoying a peaceful lie-in in Anke’s bed, while little minx Olli was out of the house! Enjoy!!!

01/03/12: Latest photos of Olli and her came this morning. Anke did not get a good night’s sleep and any of us with several cats will understand why! Cats take up too much space snuggling on the bed as you can see below.
22/02/12: It is now almost 3 months since Oli’s last adoption that lastet just 3 days, and almost 8 months since she travelled to Germany. She is VERY much at home at Anke’s, and Anke continues to send me beautiful photos of her, so it is definitely time that I shared them with you again. “I would realy like to keep her. Oli is very much at home here. Now I am at a point with her that she doesn´t hit me anymore (except if I want to stroke her while she is cleaning herself) and I can do anything with her. Also Martin gets hit rarely. Olivita trusts in us so much that she has become an almost ‘friendly’ cat. And my cats are still coping well with Oli’s very hard fighting. Last night Oli slept with Hanni and Nelly and me in the bed laying her head on Nellys bottom and Hannibal had his paw in Olivita’s belly. It was such a peaceful picture.”

For a long time Anke was worried that Oli needed a younger cat to play with, but the little madam does seem to have chosen her home. We all keep smiling about it as Anke’s husband REALLY doesn’t want another cat. Anke is still looking for the perfect home for her, but will only give adoption one last try. If Oli becomes as stressed as she does last time, then I think Oli will get her wish. Anke loves her but says she is the most difficult foster cat she has ever known to find the right home for. Oli I think is a very clever cat, and to her, she has found the perfect home! 2 recent people who were interested in Oli didn’t turn up for their meetings. I was laughing that maybe Oli had sent them a message NOT to come. She IS a very special little cat. At the weekend she will have Milo to be angry with, as he will stay with Anke just for a few days until his adoptant can collect him. She is very, very determined and strong. Enjoy the new photos.

AND here are some from January of Oli looking adorable, not long after she has just ‘seen off’ poor Poppy cat who was looking for a way home to her apartment, via Anke’s: “Some minutes ago there was a big cry outside. I went looking and saw Poppy outside sitting on the balcony and crying. Olivita sat inside the window being a big fluffy bowl. Poppy cried and jumped against the window again and again but Olivita didn´t make a step back. All my other cats were in the backgroud but Oli was sitting in front of the window and was big. What a little witch. I had to put her away to let Poopy in to bring her up in her flat :-)But look at these pictures. Is this a bad cat? ;-)”

30/11/11: Oli is now back at Anke’s after her adoption did not work out. For 3 days she hid and would not eat or drink, while Anke worried about her. Finally last night her adopt ant, Patrick, agreed that the best for Oli would be to take her back to Anke. This will always be a problem with the more sensitive cats. They need the right foster home and then they find it very hard to adjust to their forever homes. I am sure Anke will find the right family for Oli, but this determined little cat for now seems to have other ideas!
“Oli is back (my little Terminator ;-)) Patrick called me yesterday night. Since Sunday morning she didn´t poo, piddle or eat! But Sunday morning she ate a lot here with me. So this had just to be in her intestine. And she didn´t eat anything, so Patrick gave her Laktulose directly in her mouth. I was very afraid because nobody could do this with Oli before! At half past nine yesterday evening she lay in the middle of Patricks living room on the bottom, he could stroke her belly and she was purring and shivering the same time. Patrick said she is stiff of fear and maybe pain from her abdomen. That was the point I said we must stop this!
Patrick brought her back to me and on her way home she piddles in her box, the first time after 2,5 days! Here she came outside her box and was at home from the first minute. She ran to all my cats to greet them, she came to cuddle and than she ran throu the flat like a “wild bumble-bee” (we say in German). When Patrick was gone, Oli went to the toilet and piddled again. Than she was cuddling and playing. And if I left a room she cryed for me and when I was calling her she came and cooed. But she still didn´t eat anything!!! She was licking her mouth so I think she felt nauseous. And she drank a lot also very atypical for her. Later she took a little dry food what I think was good for her maybe acerbic stomach.
And than at 1 am she went to the toilet and pressed and pressed and cried. And than she made a very har and a little bit bloody poo and than the diarrhoea because of the Laktulose came. After that she went to bed with me and Hannibal and slept like a stone.
Today she is very affectionate and speakes and coos a lot. I think I have to talk to her. She can not do this show every time I try to find a forever home for her 🙂 But I am happy that she is fine today. She still ate only a few but she was on toilet and looks nice. What a princess!!!! Anke.”
SO for now Oli has here wish and is back with her friends looking pretty happy and relaxed again!!!

With Hanni
27/11/11: A week ago a young couple visited Olivita at Anke’s. They have a 4 year old male siam-mix cat, and there may be the option for Olivita to go outside later. Anke is a little worried because their male cat has been aggressive to cats outside, and of course is used to being a single cat at home. Olivita will not respond well to bad behaviour. She reacts “like a vulcan” to any hissing or hitting. BUT the visit actually went well: “Yesterday the young couple visited Oli and I think we will try. The man was very nice with her and laughed when she hit him 🙂 He made a real fight with her and had no problems with marks on his hand. He loves little witches.” The home check yesterday also went well, and today Olivita left Anke’s.
“She is in her new home. I feel sad. It was one more time not easy for me. But it is a nice home. The big male cat only looked at her and than went on sleeping so I am optimistic. I was a little bit afraid because Mogli is 4 years old and lived on his own the last 3 years. Oli is still sitting under the bed. I gave her favourite woollen blanket and her toys with her so I hope she feels not too sad.”
I really hope she settles quickly and makes friends with Mogli, AND a big thank you to Anke and her cats for everything they have done for Olli. These are the last pictures of Olli at Anke’s. I’m hoping for some new ones soon of our girl in her new home.

LOVING Martin’s Dirty Sports kit!
10/11/11: More new photos came today of this lovely girl and this from Anke: “Today I got a present from Olivita. A leaf. She was very proud like you see on the pictures. The last one shows my very tired cats near the heater. It is becoming winter here. Last weekend a neighbour saw Olivita and shouted enthusiasticaly: Oh, this little girl is pregnant! Aaah… hmmm…no, only fat ;-)))” Olli is doing very well and obviously enjoying her food. Good for her!

A Present For Anke
24/10/11: It seems that princess Olli is not very impressed by her new visitor. Good I think that Henrietta will only be there for a few days: “Henrietta feels good, I think. Not so Oli. She doesn´t like her. She is not aggressive but she is abnormally calm, she hides herself behind Hannibal and Charly most of the time and she growls if she is seeing Henrietta. It is a little bit like she would say: This is my home and this are my friends. Go away!
This morning Oli didn´t eat!!!!! That is very very unusual. But she is too nervous. My little princess!”
22/10/11: Anke sent me this message the other day after she had taken Olli to the vet. It seems that diarrhoea continues to be a problems with some of our rescue cats. Fortunately in most cases Corona is not too serious, and is something carried by a very large percentage of cats both owned and strays. In a few cases it does however mutate to the deadly FIP, so its presence in a cat is never the best of news.
“Olivita is tested negativ of Giardia. But she is like so many cats eliminator of Corona virus. So this will be one of the reasons for her sometimes thin poo. But the main problem is that the composition of aerobic bacteria in her bowel is completely disarranged. The anaerobic bacteria are a little bit better but not physiological. So we make a bowel clean up. Yesterday she got antibiotics the first time and on Saturday she will get a second injection. So the bacterial composition will be distroyed and parallel I started to built up an new and more healthy intestinal flora. I hope after that she will not poo corona any more in this concentrations. It was very hard for Oli to drive to the vet. After that she glued to me for the rest of the day.”
12/10/11: Anke sent me more photos of olli today, stretched out with her expanding stomach on view! “Oli is a little bit to fat But she loves to eat everything.” This is one contented cat!!! AND the last photo is of BIG Hannibal. Anke and I were laughing about how cats loves to squeeze into small places and beds. I have my own little pink one that I bought for a kitten, and yesterday I found my Mori and Fleur in it together. It has very soft sides so they just overflow like Hanni!!!

A VERY Contented & Well Fed Olli
A VERY Contented & Well Fed Olli
08/10/11: These latest photos are of Olivita joining in the family cuddle on a slightly cold Sunday afternoon in Germany. She is looking very contented and at home, but she is still looking for her forever home with, Anke hopes, a younger cat friend to play with! “Olivita is a very affectionate cat. She loves to be with Martin and me and she is searching for contact with the other cats. But she needs someone to play with. My cats are too boring And Oli loves to eat so she now has the figure of a pug dog! I hope to find a home were she can play with another cat and lose some weight. Maybe it would be nice for her to go outside. But Oli is also a little bit gruff if she is playing so the second cat has to be a self confident one and the best would be a physically bigger cat.”

With Foster Mum Anke & Nelly
And here are some earlier photos I missed last time I posted!

Olli with Martin
24/09/11: Anke has sent me more lovely photos of Olivita. After her weekend cuddling up to Martin she had to switch back to Anke and her cats, because her new man went back to work! Anke wrote: “Cini was her first ‘victim'”! She has since proceeded to disturb the other cats … but in a nice way!
“If Oli wants to cuddle but the other cat hustles or hisses at her, Olivita becomes a fighting cat. She hatesto be the small one!” My little Fleur is SO similar!!! BUT gorgeous with it!!!!!

With Cini
AND calm before the fight started:
14/09/11: More new photos of Olli arrived from Anke yesterday. Montse was very pleased to see her girl looking so happy and relaxed! Olli was even having cuddles with Anke’s husband Martin, and actually managing to distract him from watching the football! All seems very well with this lovely girl while she waits for Anke to find her the perfect forever home!

A Very Relaxed, Happy Olli
08/09/11: “Daddy and his girl!”

Oli and big Charly
07/09/11: Olivita is a beautiful silver siam-mix female, now about 1 year old. She was rescued as a kitten by Montse in Almeria, and I met her first earlier in the year when I took photos to start her re-homing process. She was then a little shy of new people but was tame, and was happily living among all the other cats and kittens at Montse’s. I was confident that someone would fall for this lovely lady quickly, but was very pleased when Pepe and Diego’s parents, Christina and Sebastian, decided to give her a home with their 2 little machos! Olivita traveled to them on July 9th, and was one of the 36 cats to enjoy our inaugural trip in our new Mori waggon! All seemed set for a great life for Olivita, until that is, she decided she wasn’t too keen on Deigo and Pepe!
It was some weeks before Christina was able to the first photos of Oli, as she had been mainly sticking to her own room, which was darker. Slowly she accepted strokes from Sebastian and his father, and she started to make friends with Pepe, but Christina, and Diego in particular, she didn’t seem to like!
First photos of Oli in Germany and my original photos of her:

Olivita With Montse In Spain
Olivita @ Christina & Sebastian’s
Olivita @ Christina & Sebastian’s
Unfortunately things didn’t continue to improve, in fact Oli’s relationships with Diego got steadily worse, and came to a head with a fight when Oli actually hurt and distressed little Diego. A decision therefore needed to be made for the good of all the cats. Anke was about to foster Domino, a lovely big male cat, who was scheduled to travel to Germany on August 27th, so a home switch was made. Anke took Oli as her foster cat to calm her down and assess what would be the right future home for her, and Christina and Sebastian agreed to take Domino as their foster/permanent cat.
Everything so far has worked out brilliantly! Oli is much calmer at Anke’s. She was discovered to have a slight digestion problem, which may have been causing her pain, and was easily sorted with laxatives! She also seems much happier at Anke’s among her slightly older and more chilled out cats. It is always hard to predict exactly how cats, that have been living surrounded by many others, will react when they find themselves in a more normal home.
These first photos taken by Anke at the end of August show a happy, relaxed Oli:

Oli Relaxed @ Anke’s
AND 2 days later, Oli got VERY friendly while Anke was trying to eat her breakfast!

Settling In Well
Next I heard from Anke, that while Oli hadn’t liked Diego and Pepe much, she definitely didn’t want to be an only cat, as she kept trying to cuddle up to Anke’s big cats, and was becoming very sociable! We will be looking for the right friend for Oli in her forever home, and may even try to re-unite her with one of her pals that she grew up with at Montse’s. I am wondering if Pepe and Diego were just a little too young and maybe annoying! for her, OR maybe it is that Anke has confident cats that took no nonsense from Oli!!!

Oli’s New Friends
Anki’s cats do make Oli look small!
And FINALLY here are 3 more lovely photos of Oli that Anke sent me today. She looks VERY well and happy, and I am sure Anke will find her her forever home soon:

A VERY Happy Oli
Cats are funny independent creatures. Sometimes the homes I think will be fantastic they reject, and the cats that I worry about settle quickly. One thing I do know is that due to the fantastic efforts of the girls at Katzenherzen, all the problems that can be solved are solved, AND Oli’s rejection of Diego and Pepe and their lovely home with Christina and Sebastian, has so far benefitted one lucky boy, BUT more on Domino later!!!
Her head is Siam, her body is pug dog and her character is Rottweiler. I love this little girl!
I have tears in my eyes. I wish her all the best!
Well done Anke, she looks great and will always remember the hep you gave her in finding her forever home and a new life x
Pingback: Anonymous
Little bullheaded witch!
Hi, you have so many cats. Pictures are very clear, they are so lovely. I also have a cat, he is the standard of American short hair cat. The cat elegant, lovely, give my life to bring a lot of fun, I liked them very much
Hi James, yes I have 4 own cats. The boys Charly and Hannibal and my girls Nelly and Cini. All 4 very different characters. And Sandra is trying to argue me into keeping Oli as my 5th cat 🙂
Wow an American short hair cat. I think they are very friendly and more calm? Maybe you should also keep one more cat ;-)))
I actually think it is Olivita who is arguing the most strongly!! Personally I think 5 cats is a good number. I have Mori, Saidi, Oscar, Fleur and Dusky!!!
And I prefere Mori. I love he big male ones! And he is also a character cat.
And 5 cats are the best number for a 400g food can. For only 4 cats 400g are too much. I think this is a strong argument.
LMAO that Anke likes the big male ones 🙂
You know me 🙂
I am waiting of photos of Kasper in such a red bed 🙂