All Safely On Their Way!

This morning both Mary and I were up at 5.30am to collect some of our foster cats and take them to board the van to Germany. This was the end of a VERY busy week for me, which, as well as sorting all the final stuff for today’s transport, also included sorting a foster home for another rescued kitten (more on him tomorrow).

Taking the cats up to the dog rescue to meet up with Jos, his vet Miguel and all the other animal lovers, and board them for Germany is an ‘interesting’ experience.

When we took our cats up in December I was extremely concerned by the idea of our poor little buddies having to travel with 50+ dogs, but they are all tranquilised, and Jos himself seems so calm and capable, that it is hard to stay too worried for long.

Today was the first time that we had taken cats completely independently from Gisela’s cat rescue, so Mary and I stayed and helped to load them. This was good for me as I could see that they all had enough space, and water, and that after their little injections were settling down fine. The dogs in the van were also mainly quiet so none of it seemed as frightening for our cats as I had originally imagined.

It is however still sad to say goodbye to cats that you have been involved in for several months; I will miss them and I know that the foster parents feel the same and more. We are all waiting for the email that says they have arrived safely and that their 24 hours journey is over. This transport is unavoidable as they have to get to Germany somehow. Today Martina in Germany is also worried that we haven’t been able to keep the kittens together and that they must go to separate homes. I find this very sad too, but we are all doing our best and nothing will ever be perfect. It IS particularly sad that little Bonny and Felix will have to say goodbye for good tomorrow morning. However I’m sure that they will adjust well and importantly we have given them the chance for safe and happy lives with people who will love them.

It is really great this time that the 4 cats we have just sent on the transport all have permanent homes to go to, particularly for Tabitha Cat, who is lovely and gentle but nervous, and really does not need any more foster homes and change. Tracy and I had to dismantle her spare room to catch Tabitha who kept hiding under the beds!

Now I hope she has the perfect home where she can chill, relax and have lots of cuddles!
“for Thabitha i have some interested people in Mannheim, they already have a cat from us ( Guapa, lives there since 2 weeks, is so happy…9 months old and very lovely, not so active…) , they live in a big house and if the cats want…they can go outside ? could this be a place for her ?

Charlie meanwhile has a home with a lady who was looking for a male cat with lots of character, which as Britta would agree, IS Charlie.
Anja, the interested woman, likes Charlie… She hopes that he is not aggressive… but he seems to be very, very friendly… and he is a bit bigger than the others… :o)))) At the moment I will try to do all that she will gives him a home… so then he has a girl friend and a big chaotic boy friend, where he must show him that he is Charly and he is the big boss… :o)

And as for our 2 kittens, they have great homes to go to as well: Felix goes to join a “cute male cat and Bonny has a ‘trial’ home with another female, which I am sure will work out as Bonny is so very sweet and friendly.

SO good news all round, and a relief to get them on their way. Thank you to everyone who has helped me and particularly to Jenny, Tracy and Britta who have fostered these lovely animals so well and for so long. Now I am also looking forward to great photos of happy cats in their new homes, and then it really will all be worth the effort.

2 thoughts on “All Safely On Their Way!

  1. Chris

    Mixed emotions for sure, and a shame that they can’t be kept together for sure, but compared to a life here on the streets of Almerimar they are all very lucky indeed to have you guys helping them out.

    One (small) point though ….. I seem to recall being awake at 5.30am as well today!!!!

  2. Jenny

    It was very re-assuring to read Sandra’s detailed post on the logistics of transporting our four cats to Germany. I’m sure the journey was made as painless as possible for them, and now that those rather traumatic 24 hours have passed we will indeed look forward to hearing that all is well the other end.

    It IS very sad to part with adorable kittens, and they are greatly missed, but at the same time good to read about the homes they are going to in the knowlege that they will be cared for and loved by people who really do want to give them a home. Now they must just learn a little German! Remember Bonny and Felix……’nein’ means ‘no’!! Viel Gluck meinen schonen Kleinen.

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