12/11/10: FINALLY over the past week we have got 25 cats to Germany. This has eased our strained foster homes considerably, and the great news is that many of our travellers have gone straight to adoptants.
I am now trying to relax after an extremely hectic 2 weeks finalising transport plans and looking after 13 foster cats, most of whom seemed to have a slight stomach bug! This was the result of putting too many kittens together. I had to isolate and medicate all those due to travel, to ensure they were healthy in time. Thanks to my study and Jenny and Iain for helping me, and to Jenny and Jayne for their kind help with the other foster cats. It was greatly appreciated.
In the end Ambarina, Paloma, Clarence, Strolchy and Calista flew to Munich on Thursday 4th with Cony, who flew in from the German organisation to collect them. It was great to meet her. The next day 25 more cats, including Bastet pictured and 6 friends from a small cat rescue in Almeria, enjoyed a car journey to the French border with Chris and Ken, followed by a trip across France and into Germany with Kerstin and Martina. This was our first cat only transport organised by AlStrays, and all went well. I am however hoping that the regular dog transports will be back on soon, as this remains the most cost effective option for us to move cats.
Thankyou to Chris and Ken for the 24 hour drive and good luck in their new lives to their passengers from here and Mojacar: Cyrus, Milo, Misha, Tilly, Marley, Orlando, Asterix, Smokie, Blackie, Lexi, Java, Aldo, Johnny, Frodo, Gypsy, Fonsi, Jack and Jill, AND Bastet and friends from Almeria.
News from Germany is already coming in. All is fine with our cats, and one of the foster boys has already charmed his home into keeping him!
Meanwhile with partner Matt’s help I am continuing to catch the Subway cats. I think the last count was 10 and there are only 2 left including a grey and white kitten who stole my heart, and inspired me to help them. We think he is half Russian blue and the brother of Purdey the beautiful. We have just stopped a population explosion, as virtually of the the Subway kittens and cats caught are female and of breeding age.
One of the Subway cats, Mocha had a narrow escape at the end of last week, when he was attacked by we think a neighbour’s dog whilst enjoying the sun on Matt’s terrace. He needed 3 hours of surgery, but the vet thinks his leg will be fine, and he seems to be recovering well. His adoptant still wants him and I hope he will soon be continuing his convalescence and recovering his confidence in a lovely new home.
This week I have been up to Sorbus to take photos of all the foster cats at Matt’s including 5 new kittens dumped in a box by his gate! This was after dropping Felix and Idefix our last 2 travellers off with a kind German lady, who took them on her flight to Hamburg.
Finally on Thursday, I was back at vet Miguel’s in Almeria for Lilly and Florence’s final injections. Lilly will feature next week. She is the special little girl who was found with only one good eye. She will have an operation to remove her mal-formed eye next week.
Thankfully all my existing foster cats are all passported and ready to travel, so I can concentrate on 4 news baby kittens that I brought back from PAWs Mojacar last week, and on finding foster space for another litter of 5. Meanwhile in a garden on my street I have a semi-feral beautiful kitten, Sammi, her more tame mother and 2 new ginger babies that I have spotted a few times whilst putting out food!