AlStrays News

26/11/10: This morning 8 more cats set off on the transport to Germany. Carys & Dylan, and Dino & Emely from foster Mum Erika’s are on their way to foster homes.

Florence our boat kitten, Mocha, the first Subway kitten, and Henna and Jags from Sorbas, are all going straight to their adoptants. I wish them all well and await news of their safe arrival. I am less worried that usual as foster Mum Erika is one of the drivers and will be with out cats all the way. However I will still be very happy to know their journey is over, as this is the toughest part of the re-homing process and I know is not nice for the cats.

22/11/10: On Friday the last 2 Subway cats were caught including Levi the little grey and white boy who inspired this project. I genuinely love all cats, but some do steal my heart, and when you see his little face, you will understand!

All these cats are now being fostered near Sorbas by Matt. We have 6 Coyote females, 2 Russian Blue females, Levi, and Mocha the siamese all in foster care, awaiting re-homing. In addition there are 2 larger females that have been sterilised and will be re-homed locally.

This is really too many and we are slightly overloaded, but once we started we decided it was important to rescue all the Subway cats, so that the feeding station could be closed down, before even more cats came.

Of these cats Jessica is still awaiting her operation to remove her badly injured leg, and Mocha is healing well after his suspected dog attack. More on them later.

Here in Almerimar, Lilly had a successful operation on last Monday to remove her mal-formed eye, and Carys was sterilised. She caused us a slight scare by putting on weight, and we were starting to wonder if one of our castrated boys had had a last bid for fatherhood, before his manhood ran out! As it turned out Carys was just a little fat, being quite a lazy snuggle kitten. Funnily a few days of being off her food following her operation seems to have largely given her back her figure!

On the kitten from one of the very tame black and white ones from Mojacar has been adopted locally, and the other 3 are doing well with Liz and will be off to the vet next week to start their vaccinations.

This week I will be taking 5 9-week old kittens, that I will collect from Mojacar PAWs tomorrow, Lilly for her final blood test, my Fleur for her rabies antibody test, and Duke the dog for more vaccinations.

Feedback from Germany continues to be great. Jack and Jill from Mojacar are to be adopted by their foster home in Germany, Aldo has an adoptant and great photos have come through of Fonsi and all the siamese kids in their new homes.

My time in the last week has been mainly emailing and sorting photos for the German homepage and my blog. I am hoping to keep our foster cats here to a minimum now until after Xmas, and overall I definitely have enough to re-home, being responsible for 36 at the last count. This includes 4 gorgeous siam-mix kittens from a small cat rescue near Albox. These will find homes very easily, and don’t ‘bump’ our other kittens, as people who want siamese don’t adopt non-siams.

On Wednesday I will be visiting all the foster kids at Matt’s, and I am looking forward to seeing Levi again. He on the other hand is less than impressed with his new surroundings, being semi-feral! Time and patience is needed, but most of these kittens are non-aggressive and we have high hopes for a happy ending for them all.


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