March was another really busy month for ALStrays pet transport from Spain to the UK and Europe with a total of 86 cats and dogs transported on all of our transports. March was the first month that we introduced the new schedule and it seems to have worked well, freeing us up to transport a lot more dogs and cats within Spain than ever before.
Unfortunately March has been dominated once again by yet more bitching, lying and attempts to sabotage. We have seen transport companies contacting clients of other transport companies to slag them off and try and persuade them to swap transporters. We have seen rescue operations banning people from sites for also working with their ‘competitors’. We have seen people fabricating malicious stories involving transport companies and foster homes, rehoming organisations and charities.
I really think people need to take a long hard look at the way they are behaving, and what they are are involved in animal rescue for. If it is for personal glory then there is no place for you. If it is to ‘win’ then again there is no place for you. There is only ever going to be one reason to be involved and that is to help the animals. Some are able to do this and maintain jobs. Others can do it from the comfort of their bank account. Others need to earn money to cover costs and justify investments and time. There is room for all.
By way of example of how bad it has got people have been creating false users on Facebook to spread their lies and threats, and then disappearing – cowardly without a doubt, malicious yet, immature as well. Not quite as clever as they think they are a number have left clear evidence as to a number of the people and organisations behind these pathetic practices.
Another example: false bookings that are being made and then cancelled at the last minute, false enquiries to try and find out facts about transports, foster homes, etc.
Also of concern is the welfare of the cats and dogs been transported. It seems to me that too many animals are being taken from perreras, rushed to be got ready, and transported to the UK without given them time to get well, recover from treatments, be behavioral assessed etc
As for us? We are just going to carry on as usual as we are comfortable with our approach. We are though going to work with less people though. Current thought is that we draw up a list of approved re-homing operations and only wrk with them. Anybody wanting to use us will have to go through these organisations.
Future Transports
The transport in April will be the 27th April arriving in the UK on the 28th. We will be returning on the 30th, arriving on the 1st May back in Spain.
This transport is fully booked and the third person space has been taken
The transport in May will leave Spain on the 18th May, arriving in the UK on the 19th May. We will leave the UK again on the 22nd May arriving back in Spain on the 23rd May.
The third person space is available for anyone looking for a FREE trip back to the UK.
We currently have 10 spaces available on this transport
The transport in May will leave Spain on the 8th June, arriving in the UK on the 9th June. We will leave the UK again on the 11th June arriving back in Spain on the 12th June.
The third person space is available for anyone looking for a FREE trip back to the UK.
We currently have 15 spaces available on this transport.
We have two transports in July
The first transport in July will leave Spain on the 6th July, arriving in the UK on the 7th July. We will leave the UK again on the 10th July arriving back in Spain on the 11th July.
The third person space has been taken.
We currently have 15 spaces available on this transport.
The second transport in July will leave Spain on the 29th July, arriving in the UK on the 30th July. We have no date to return yet as we plan to spend the summer in the UK.
The third person space is available for anyone looking for a one way trip, or who is flexible as to when they return
We currently have 8 spaces available on this transport.
DEFRA Health Certificates
On our March transport we were informed that DEFRA had implemented a process that meant that every cat and dog had to have a health certificate to travel. In effect this would require a vet to confirm the necessary treatments and to sign off and stamp at the same time as they administered the worming tablet. It had to be the same vet, and the vet had to stamp a section of the pet passport as well.
All a little confusing as they said we could go through this time without them, and I don’t see anybody else being processed at the same time showing the health certificates.
Were told the forms and information were on the DEFRA site, but we can’t find them and I am still waiting for a response from DEFRA.
Think this is a GREAT idea. It does seem like it was a mistake on the part of the lady at pet passport as I have checked with a number of transport companies and they haven’t been asking people to fill in the health certificates. BUT I think we will do it anyway as it makes a lot of sense to ensure that the welfare of the animal is confirmed by a vet and that ALL the necessary and appropriate treatments have been applied.
Will be looking at this over the next week prior to our April 27th transport.
The Bosnia project is coming along slowly. The date has been set provisionally as 17th June and we are currently sorting out the necessary paperwork with DEFRA as Bosnia is deemed a none EU country so will require a different ‘license’.
Next Transport Availability
More Information
Transport Details
Transport Schedule
Transport Costs
Pet Passport Requirements
ALStrays Transport Newsletter: April: March was another really busy month for ALStrays pet transport from Spain…
Jean Brown liked this on Facebook.
Sorry to hear of the problems you have encountered over the past month ( as highlighted in your news sheet). I can only agree with your comments as the animals not personalities are priority. The service you gave us was excellent and Whisky’s new life in England is proof of this.
ALStrays Transport Newsletter: April | ALStrays