05/07/12: It seems Bonnie has 2 cat friends in her new home, Ronja a very beautiful long-haired lady and Major a handsome black male. Now called Isis, Bonnie has settled very well after some initial shyness. She has made friends and loves to play and cuddle with the other cats, AND she has claimed her own spot on the bed at night, at the feet of her new Mum! All is just fine, and Bonnie is looking VERY relaxed and happy in the lovely new photos that arrived yesterday! Enjoy them and some earlier ones taken at the PAWs cattery. Another happy ending!
Click on the photos to see them full size and have the option to download them.
28/04/12: Bonnie actually has an adoptant and should be arriving as I write. She will have a lovely quiet home with an older cat and lots of love and attention.
15/04/12: Bonnie now has a foster home fixed and will be off to Germany on the 27.04 transport. Her cattery life will soon be over!
31/03/12: Bonnie is another lovely cat currently at the PAWs cattery in Mojacar. She has actually been there far too long as Bonnie is a nervous girl and so not until now a great candidate for re-homing. The cattery unfortunately is not the best environment for her to become more confident with people. Sam from PAWs has now managed to get her to the vet for the vaccinations needed for her to be able to travel, and I have her as urgent for an experienced foster home in Germany. We’re hoping to get her away on the next transport. Who knows but maybe someone will fall in love with her from these lovely photos and an adoptant will come forward? Her brothers were always more confident and found homes long ago. I really hope now that it will be Bonnie’s turn for a better life soon.