Blanca – A White Siam-mix Cat

Blanca is a new resident at the PAWs cattery in Mojacar. She had been living mostly up a tree for some weeks because she was so afraid of some dogs in a neighbouring garden. Victoria who has been feeding Blanca among others, believes her to be an abandoned cat. From her photos I would definitely agree as she looks a delightful, friendly girl, and not a but like a street cat. My aim is that this lovely lady will find her forever home in time for our next transport to Germany, planned for the first weekend in February.

Beautiful Blanca
Beautiful Blanca
Beautiful Blanca
Beautiful Blanca

2 thoughts on “Blanca – A White Siam-mix Cat

  1. Chris

    Am sure that she will be on the van BUT I am not loading one single cat if my mate Algernon isn’t on the trip!

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