On the 18th December 2015, our beautiful girl Marley was seized because of her breed. We are not allowed to visit the kennels where she is being held, and the authorities may decide to euthanise her. Please sign my petition to bring Marley home, and demand that Derby magistrates court don’t kill our gentle, innocent dog.
Marley is a friendly girl and has never shown any sort of aggression. Yet, like many other family pets, she is being punished by legislation which is unfit for purpose. Please ask that Marley be allowed to come home to her loving family.
If enough people sign, Derby magistrates court will have to recognise that the public do not support the breed specific legislation (BSL) that leads to the wrongful deaths of safe, loving family pets.
You can sign the Care2 petition here
RT @ALStrays: Bring our beloved dog Marley home, and end unfair breed legislation!: On the 18th December 2015, our beauti… https://t.co/f…