This little family first came to my attention, at the end of April when Calypso’s kittens (Milli, Mia and Choccy Paws were mere newborns.
They were being looked after by a lovely English couple, who posted a message on Chris’s blog (, asking if anybody could help re-home the babies. Calypso herself at the time belonged to their neighbours, but as she was left for weeks on end to fend for herself, in the end we decided to classify her as effectively ‘abandoned’ and look for a better life for her too.
The original plan was for me to bring the kittens to Almerimar quite early on, but as we had no free foster homes, Vicki and Joe agreed to keep the family together until they were ready to travel to Germany. This involved a lot of 1 hour round trips for them to meet me at the vet for their various injections and tests.
During this time, they both fell in love with the sweet little boy Choccy Paws, and until their circumstances changed at the last hour, they planned to keep him. Milli and Mia meanwhile had a home from virtually the minute the original photos and video reached Germany, with a friend of one of our great girls Martina.
People were also immediately offering to give Calypso a home, but in the beginning we did plan to leave her with her Spanish family, with Vicki and Joe feeding her, when her owners frequently disappeared to their town home. In the end we changed our minds, deciding she deserved more security and a real home of her own.
The brother of another of the German girls (having an apartment with garden access) agreed to take her on trial, and at the end of August, the whole family travelled to Germany on the transport, Choccy joining his Mum in her German foster home, when Vicki and Joe could no longer give him a home.
Mia and Milli settled quickly and things couldn’t have worked out better. Their parents have suffered from allergies to cats in the past, but so far everything is fine and they will be able to keep these beautiful girls.
Meanwhile in the second trial home, things worked out differently to our original plans. Calypso hated the male cat already in the home, and in the end didn’t seem too keen on her boy Choccy either. Choccy meanwhile loved and was loved by all and is the one who will stay there.
Calypso herself has an even better home for her, with an older couple in a lovely house with a garden in a small village. This is perfect for her as she is now about 3 years old and has always been an outside cat. Now she finally has the comfort of a proper loving home, but can go outside whenever she wants to. I had this email from Martina a couple of days ago.
“hi, as i told you she was grumpy and sick in the foster home… now she is for one week in her new home: the people are SO happy, they say, that they never have had such a lovely cat ! she is coming in the morning into the bed and is going on for a little sleep with her parents …and she was with them in the garden already, the have a little sea in the garden, she loved it but then she went back with them into the house :o)
xxx martina”
Vicki, Joe and I are very happy for this beautiful family, and particularly happy that we decided to give Calypso her chance of a much better life.
Calypso & Babies
Calypso & Babies
Beautiful Siam-mix Babies
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