5 thoughts on “Contented Kitten

  1. Chris

    It has been a realy joy to see how quicky they have become best friends. Mori has been a star, is very indulgent of the little chap, and gives up the space if Oscar decided he wants it!

  2. Mary

    Was this before or after his escapade with the washing?

  3. Kerstin Jurgens

    oh… really sweet… both seems to be very happy and relaxed… :o))))

  4. Martina Schmidt

    :o) he looks only happy…:o) he is very cute, nice face..and he is smiling ! :o) mori semas to feel like his mom ;o) i never had such situations with my cats…she loves him, but he does not love her…:o(

  5. Chris

    [quote comment=”1641″]Was this before or after his escapade with the washing?[/quote]

    Before during and after, he plays that game every opportunity he can at the moment!

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