Dinky Donuts Update

It has been a while since I posted an update on Dinky Donuts, who are now very much part of our family.

A reason why we decided to keep them all is that we had no idea how we would have split them up to re-home them. Whilst there is very much a boys and girls split, it is Xavi and Cody who spend most time together, and Ferdi who is the more independent and who most likes a cuddle. Millie is the quietest, yet is a little tom boy at heart, and is more often than not exploring with the boys. Dinky and Evie are never far apart, although Evie has far more confidence than her mother.

Another reason was to see how they evolved as a family. They are very much a family still, but they are now totally integrated and have their own little friendships and patterns. The boys are everywhere and into everything and spend the evenings in the lounge with us. The girls spend more time upstairs, but Millie and Evie are on and off the bed and like a fuss and a play, whilst Dinky bless her is still apprehensive. She loves being outside in the catio or garden, and she loves around the while house happily enough. She gets on really well with Moreno, Marti, Dusky and Oscar, but truth be told they all get on with each other and they share food, beds and the various toys without any issues.

If things stay as they are we will be happy, but I think that Dinky will eventually enjoy a fuss and a cuddle as she is far more inquisitive as to what is going on, and she is much more visible. Evie seems to stay with her more to keep her company than because she needs her – she is a right madam when it comes to trying to get her in from the garden at night, and Millie just pops up all over the place with a little meow and her tail in the air. She is remarkably similar to Fleur – both very pretty, very small, timid, but love a fuss when it’s on their terms!

Cody: for no obvious reason he has decided this is one of his favourite places.
Dinky: probably her favourite spot, Hollie’s dog bed by the lounge door, shared here with Oscar
Evie (front): never far away from her mum she is a very beautiful young lady
Ferdie: he does like a lap!
Millie: she absolutely loved the Christmas tree!
Xavi: never far away from Cody
The boys!

It really has been a joy seeing them grow (they are just over 8 months old now) and develop their own personalities and friendships both with each other and with the older cats, and the dogs. Don’t think any of them are too worried either way about the dogs, who have long lost their initial fascination with them and just accept them as part of the furniture.

Most weeks they still pick up a new habit or game, and as the weather starts to get better and the nights longer they are starting to explore the garden more, and it is bringing Dinky down into the lounge in the evenings along with Evie – Millie is usually down anyway at some stage!

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