Dino Kitten

Dino is a gorgeous little boy, and I am particularly fond of him, because he is MY rescue. Of course I help cats all the time, but Dino I specifically went to rescue, and I caught him from the street.

Chris and I had gone to Bricomart to buy stuff for our apartment, and I saw Dino with another kitten outside the cafe a little further up. There is no way a retail park is where cats, even stray ones, should be, and I couldn’t stop thinking about them. One week later, with a friend, I went back for a look and this time saw Dino with his mother. We almost caught both, as they were hungry, and Dino followed his more tame mother into a cat box, after some VERY nice meat I had put inside. She managed to push out as I was shutting the door, and this was maybe a good thing, as a chat with a very nice Spanish guy from the cafe confirmed that there were 2 kittens. Having established that he was giving them some food, we left with just Dino. When I went back with good food a week later, the same man told me he hadn’t seen Muma or the remaining kitten for several days, and believed that another woman had caught them. I only hope they are well.

He also told me that the mother cat was abandoned, and had had 5 kittens, 3 of whom had been killed by the cars as babies. This explained why Muma was skittish but touchable. Dino at the beginning did not want to be touched, but he was not aggressive at all and has never tried to bite us. In fact he is the sweetest little chap.

After some days Erika could touch his paws and he started to sit near her. Next he would take treats from her hand. A week later I could also stroke him, and now after a few weeks in his foster home, he loves to be stroked, and rolls over to have his tummy tickled. Today when I visited he jumped onto my lap and started to purr and chew my hands in play.

He also loves all the other cats in his foster home, cleans and cuddles the baby kittens there, and has accepted the newly arrived female kitten without any fuss. He really is one of the most gentle, friendly kittens, and I am so pleased that I went to rescue him. At the beginning he was very afraid and it is always a risk with semi-feral kittens how things will turn out, but in Dino’s case catching him was definitely the right thing to have done. I am sure he will find a great, loving home and I look forward to updating you on his happy life.

All the strays are lovely but some are a little more special, and for me Dino is one of those. If I had room for another cat myself he would be mine tomorrow! I love this little boy, and hope from these photos and video, someone in Germany will too. enjoy them!

Sweet Little Dino

Sweet Little Dino

Sweet Little Dino

Sweet Little Dino

Sweet Little Dino



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