Escaped Princess

Check out this ungrateful kitten. She was abandoned by her mother and Pam has been feeding her in the port for several weeks. We had a scare a couple of weeks ago as we thought she had got trapped in the building materials in the empty locale she is living in, and we tracked down the key holder for an abortive rescue attempt.

Ungrateful Little Princess

She was however fine, and appeared the next day to be fed as usual, but was obviously vulnerable and lonely, so Pam finally managed to catch her yesterday morning and get her to the vet to start her tests, vaccinations etc. ready to go to Germany, we hoped in January. Jean and George gave her a foster home for the 3 weeks we needed and last night all was looking well. She had even been given the name of princess, which started out as the black prince and then needed a change when her true gender was established!

This morning however there was no sign of the little bugger, who appears to have escaped by pushing open a window. I am hoping for her sake that she turns up somewhere fast, and also because our money will not have been well spent. Fingers crossed on this one.

3 thoughts on “Escaped Princess

  1. Mary

    Well, she is a bit of a Houdini! I have never seen a cat descend those hollow breeze blocks as quickly as she can! Clearly unlatching a window was not beyond her. George has still not seen her and he has been out trying to rescue another kitten with an injured leg. Maybe Princess will join the other cats up there for food or reappear in the marina. Fingers crossed. (You never know, she may call in at the open diner on Calle Alcor!)

  2. Sands Post author

    Yep the Calle Alcor Diner is always open with dry food available most of the day now. I’d love to have a web-cam up to see who actually calls in!

  3. Chris

    That is what the cages are for guys!!!! Keep them in the cages until they get used to you feeding them!!!

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