Exploitative wildlife industries must be stopped!

There is an incredible opportunity right now to protect elephants, lions, leopards and rhinos in South Africa. The policy being proposed would do things like end captive lion facilities and prohibit ivory and rhino horn trading. It would also restrict live exports and expand protections on natural areas, all in a way that helps local people as well! Bottom line: these shifts in policy will be great for people and wildlife in South Africa.

The problem is that a small amount of people who make money exploiting and harming wildlife are pushing back against it. That’s why we need your help! Will you sign the petition to support a New Deal for People and Wildlife?

Blood Lions, Humane Society International — Africa, FOUR PAWS, World Animal Protection, and Born Free Foundation have come together to ask the public to urge the South African Government to follow through on its plans to further the protection of its iconic species. Please sign the petition to protect elephants, lions, leopards, rhinos and more!

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