Frantic Day!

The last 2 days have been incredibly busy for me, and pretty frantic. I have been sorting all the final arrangements for the transport to Germany tomorrow.

We are sending between AlStrays, Mojacar PAWs cats and a cat rescue in Almerimar, 22 cats and 1 small dog, and it will be my biggest transport to date.

Today has been a little OTT, as at one point the transport looked like not going, and it all led me to jokingly email Martina in Germany to say ‘why do we do this to ourselves?’ Of course I know why I spend so much time helping the strays and cajoling other people to help me, at times against their wishes. It is because of all the beautiful animals that are saved, and given better lives because of what we all do.

Eddy, the ginger cat pictured, has been in his new home over 18 months now, and his family continue to send updates and great photos of one incredibly happy boy. Today I have also heard that Cleo, a beautiful siamese girl from Mojacar, no longer needs her foster home in Germany, as somebody has adopted her. She will now travel tomorrow straight to her new family, and get all the love and attention this beautiful, gentle girl has been craving, since she was abandoned.

This is why I do what I do, and will continue to try and make AlStrays even more efficient so that we can help more cats, and occasionally small dogs.

Happy Eddy & Friend

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