Frustrated Again!

Damn!!! After my failed attempt to catch Mimi cat last week, she is DEFINITELY more skittish, and won’t let me stroke her neck at all. I barely manage to touch her this morning let alone get hold of her very thin little neck. We took lovely pate to tempt her out, but she kept grabbing chunks and running into the bushes to eat them, where she then sat yelling at us! This is one canny little cat, and SO frustrating as we are actually trying to sterilise her partly for her own good.

OK next week is now officially ‘Operation Mimi Cat’. We will have to try every day, and maybe even resort to the dreaded net again. We MUST catch her soon or we will have 4-5 more little B&W kittens on our hands.

Our efforts at the Nautico weren’t much better. Pam managed to grab a fairly tame male, but he resisted being put in the box. Then on the rocks, the 2 Tomcats were conspicuously absent! In fact the only cats that were being remotely friendly this morning were Monty and the 3 cats on the rocks who have all already been ‘done’. So all in all a very frustrating morning for Project Snip!

Better news is that it now looks likely we will get 3 boxes for our kittens on the next transport to Germany. I have spoken to Jos and will be seeing him on Monday morning to sort some passports and finalise things. Fingers still crossed, but it’s now looking much more hopeful, that we will get all of our foster cats sorted next week.

2 thoughts on “Frustrated Again!

  1. Mary

    Mimi has clearly had schooling from Monty. He’s been there, sone it and advised against repetition!

  2. Sands Post author

    Yes but surely she doesn’t WANT more kittens. It’s how a girl loses her figure!

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