Gila’s Babies

Beautiful Mother

These are Gila from the cat rescue’s latest kittens.

This ia actually a difficult one. Gila is not meant to be taking in any more cats because of her health problems and is no longer working with the girls in Germany. However understandably she finds it hard to walk past a cat in need.

She found this lovely female abandoned in Almeria and hoped to get her to the vet before she gave birth. That however was not meant to be, and however much people tell her the sensible thing would have been to have them put down at birth, Gila was never going to do that. I have to admit that having seen these tiny little kittens, I would find it hard to do as well.

SO now Gila is looking or anyone who can help, and what is really needed is a foster home away from the other cats at the cat rescue, so that these little babies have the best chance of survival, and of course some sponsorship. Their mother meanwhile is a beautiful tame cat, who also deserves a better life.

There are 3 ginger boys, 2 of which I have already posted a picture of. In addition there are 3 beautiful dark tabby females. If anyone can help, please let me know.

Only 5 Days Old

2 thoughts on “Gila’s Babies

  1. Chris

    Good luck!!! They are very cute indeed 🙂

  2. mags

    Hiya Sands,
    Thise kittens are beautiful – I wish I was back in Spain as I know that I couldn’t refuse to take a couple – I know that doesn’t help you now.!!
    I am still feeding the strays here in Turkey and one of the females who “lives” by the gym has got a limp this morning but that didn’t stop her running over to get the food from me. There is a very kind German man who comes to the gym every day and he always has food for them too. The female cat has a nasty eye infection which he cleans and puts ointment on for her-she is friendly enough to allow him to do so.
    Hope all is going well with you.

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