22/03/13: Today some very sad news has come from Germany. Gizmo has had to be put to sleep, and he was not quite 4 years old. His Mum Verena took him to the vet because she thought he had an infected tooth, and in fact he had an inoperable tumour. She decided not to let him suffer, and this beautiful boy will now be in cat heaven with his cat mother Keba to look after him. Keba sadly died before I could re-home her from kidney failure. I will always remember Gizmo, and of course he was not a real devil, but a handsome, brave free spirit. Thankyou to his Mum Verena for making him so happy.
21/09/11: A couple of weeks ago Kerstin send these new photos and asked me if I remembered Gizmo! There is NO chance I will forget out little devil cat, even after 2 years and many more cats. He was one of our wild bunch. Every time he needed to go to the vet, we had to chase him round the room to box him. Gauntlett gloves were needed and even then he managed to scratch most of us and pee all over me. Nobody could touch him and he finally spent the last 2 days here ready boxed, because I was in the UK and Nicola who could also catch him had to leave before the transport. Now it seems he is a devil boy no longer, or at least not to his Mum whom he loves and trusts. He was VERY lucky to find her! “Sometimes he is sitting on her legs and likes to cuddle with much purring… but I am sure people he does not know will never see him… ;o)” AND now he has new friend in Pepper.

A Beautiful Little Devil Cat
Tuesday 8th December 2009 Fantastic news from Germany this morning, which proves that there is hope for Moushu and Balu, Gizmo’s brothers who travel to Germany next week. Kerstin translated an email from his Mum:
“Gizmo loves his other small black friend Gremlin… :o) They often like to make kitten… ;o) little male cats…!!!!
She wrote that he is like a normal cat… but does not like to be taken in her arms… but he comes if you are sitting and takes some food on your legs…
and he comes on the sofa and like to sleep in the arms and likes to be stroked in the arms if she is watching tv… ;o) but he do not like to be touched by people he does not know but he does not runs away if other people are there… he is very relaxed…”
Good for Gizmo that he is SO happy, and well done to his amazing new Mum. It shows what some love and patience can achieve!
November 4th
LATEST news of Gizmo the ‘devil’, black siamese is that he has settled well, has a new mother figure in his home, AND a new baby kitten (Gremlin) as playmate! This is all quite amazing, as this little panther boy was REALLY feral. However his new mum loves him, and will give him all the time he needs, and as she said to Kerstin, when she agreed to give him a home, it was a little devil that she was after, and not a snuggle cat! She has now completed the contract and he has a permanent home.

Handsome Gizmo
This is Gizmo, one of our ‘black siamese’ kittens. He is very beautiful, but right now also rather wild!
He will sit near people but is still hissing and running away if we try to get close to him; I have lost count of the number of times I have seen his beautiful red tongue! He is however integrating with the more tame kittens, along with his slightly sweeter tabby sister Lucy, albeit a little roughly!
We had decided that he would have another month before we started his injections, to see if he responded or whether we needed to change our plans for him, but yesterday I had some interesting news from Germany. A lovely lady wants to give him a home. This is fantastic not only because she has several big cats already, which Gizmo needs as he is very strong in body and character, but also because she is willing to accept him as he is!
This from Kerstin yesterday after I explained very clearly that we still could not touch him.
” Gizmo: the interested woman wants him, she has time all the day because she stay at home the whole day… he gets all the time he need… all the cats she has will be bigger cats… so perhaps we have a chance a try to travel him in September…??? … perhaps she likes little devils!”
Good for Gizmo, who is I think beautiful. I wonder if now is the time to say that we have 2 more Gizmos if this kind person would like more than one!!! Anywayt now we have a plan for him and just the problem of catching him on Monday to take him for his first injection!!! I am SO thank you that we are working with Miguel and Karin who have no fear of wild, hissing & splitting cats.
Enjoy the photos and I will keep you posted of this little chap’s progress.

Handsome Gizmo

Handsome Gizmo
But he looks so cute!!!
YES what great photography skill on my part!!!
Its great that he now will have a place to stay!
Its a strong, impressing very beautifull cat!I wished him a new home.
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These kittens are really very cute. I am very fascinated towards keeping cats with me. I would like to keep these cats with my catty.private school Torrance