21/03/14: Dinky is another completely gorgeous boy from SOS Pechina, where he spent at least 6 months. I LOVE him mainly because he is so friendly and relaxed but also because I love black cats! I am very happy that this lovely big boy has a family in Germany and will travel in the next 10 days. For now life is already better because he is no longer in Pechina. He is spending his last days in Spain with a lovely Spanish couple, eating good food and getting lots of love.
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Handsome Dinky: 21/03/14: Dinky is another completely gorgeous boy from SOS Pechina, where he spent at least 6… http://t.co/9GCZBlJWBW
Handsome Dinky: 21/03/14: Dinky is another completely gorgeous boy from SOS Pechina, where he spent at least 6… http://t.co/uAbuMR0FPS
21/03/14: Dinky is another completely gorgeous boy from SOS Pechina, where he spent at least 6 months. I LOVE him… http://t.co/FpSfUq0Tua
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Very handsome.
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