Humans are threatening brown pelican populations

Used to love watching these amazing birds when we were in Florida.

Pier Fishing Is Killing Brown Pelicans. We Must Act to Save Them!

The leading cause of death among brown pelicans is now officially threats created by humans. Fishing-related deaths are increasingly common on fishing piers across the state of Florida. But, if Florida authorities take simple steps to address these risks, brown pelican lives can be saved!

Sign now to urge the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission to take action to protect brown pelicans near sea piers!

X-rays show that the birds are ingesting and becoming entangled in fishing lines, in part because they typically perch and hunt along the same fishing piers that humans use. Brown pelican populations are decreasing, and state authorities in Florida must take this problem seriously to save these iconic birds from any more needless deaths. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission must take action on sea piers to protect brown pelicans! Sign now if you agree!

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