Julius & Caesar Kittens


Looking Very Relaxed

It is always great to get these happy cat photos from their new homes in Germany. Our little black Tiger is now called Julius to go with his little white brother Caesar!

I also got this lovely email from Martina, with news from their new mum:

“hi sandra, news from black tiger and cäsar ! they are very well, love each other, love their people ! she told me, that NOW she understands, why we give kitten only as a couple for living in an apartement…she says she never could play that much, as a second kitten can do…;o) they are totally in love with them and all is fine !!!
regards martina”

Caesar relaxing09

Looking Very Relaxed


Looking Very Relaxed


Looking Very Relaxed


Looking Very Relaxed

1 thought on “Julius & Caesar Kittens

  1. Chris

    Again, brilliant!!! Is so nice to see them so happy. To think how their lives have been transformed is very very hear warming indeed.

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